Beautifully Forgotten by L.A. Fiore Page 0,115

know he had arrived, since most of the women in the place turned their heads to catch a glimpse of him. Lucien reached the table and sat without ceremony. Dane was tempted to order a drink, but when prompted by the waiter, he asked for water.

Seeming to take his lead, Lucien did as well. “Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.”

“Yeah, whatever. So what did you want?”

“I guess you haven’t spoken to Horace,” Lucien said.

“Only in that you wanted to talk with me.”

“Well, as it turns out, we’re brothers.”

“What?” For a practical joke, this one sucked.

“My father is Horace and my mother is Belinda. They had a one-night stand the night of the infamous engagement party and I’m the result of that.”

“You’re not kidding, are you?”

“Nope. Believe me, I wasn’t particularly thrilled to learn I was related to you, but you can’t pick your family. I’m willing to try if you are, but with that being said, you ever lay another finger on my friend’s wife and I’ll kill you and burn the body. In fact, let’s branch that out to any unwilling woman. You feel me?”

Dane gulped.

“I’m getting married in a few months and I would like you to be there.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Haven’t you been listening? You’re family.”

Dane felt like his head was in a dryer; one minute Lucien threatened his life and the next he was asking him to his wedding. Damn, he needed a drink, but he couldn’t help smiling a little. It felt kind of nice to be included. He wasn’t going to let the meathead across from him know that, though, so he strove for bored when he said, “Yeah, okay.”

One look at Lucien and Dane knew he hadn’t fooled him. He was gracious enough to not call him on it and instead said, “Let’s eat.”

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.” Brandon stopped walking, which made Ember reach for his hand to pull him along.

“They’re your parents and you know the story because you were helping us.”

“I know, but what if they’re disappointed?”

Ember stopped walking to look at him. “How could they be disappointed in you?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I come from nothing.”

“So did they.” She started along, keeping his hand in hers, and said, “Let me tell you a story. Once there was a boy and girl who fell in love almost from the moment they saw each other. They planned to run away and start a life together. When she learned she was pregnant, it made it all that much more magical, but the powers that be pulled them apart. They found each other again after fourteen years, were still as wildly in love as they were when they’d first met, and, the icing on the cake, they found the son that had been stolen from them. It isn’t possible for them to be disappointed, because you are the result of their incredible love.”

Brandon was silent for a minute, though his hand tightened around Ember’s. “That’s really cheesy.”

“Yeah, it was a little, but every word is true.”

“Are they like you?” he asked seriously.

“How so?”


“I’m not goofy.”

“You are a little bit, but I like goofy.”

“Children today . . .”

“Thanks, Ember.”

“You’re welcome, Brandon. Now let’s move, your mom and dad are waiting.”

“I’m so nervous my hands are shaking,” Darcy said, which immediately made Lucien reach for one and hold it in his own. He was conflicted because, though he was thrilled to have found his son, it was heartbreaking to know that his son had been so close throughout the years and he hadn’t known. Every time Lucien had visited St. Agnes or attended the annual picnic, his son had been there too and he’d never known.

He pushed those thoughts aside. “Understandable. We’re about to meet our son. Our teenage son.” Lucien couldn’t help the smile. Talk about history repeating itself. His son was best friends with Trace’s cousin, and they lived at St. Agnes, just as he and Trace had for a time.

“Small fucking world,” Lucien said just as the door opened and Ember walked into the small restaurant she had suggested for the meeting. Right behind her was Brandon.

“Doesn’t he look like you?” Darcy whispered.

“And you.”

They stood as Ember and Brandon approached. Darcy choked on a sob. “He walks just like you. I didn’t notice that the last time.”

Ember smiled at them before she looked at Brandon. “Brandon, you remember Darcy, and this is Lucien.”

“Hey. Nice to meet you.” He held a chair for Ember before taking a menu and sitting himself.

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