Beautiful Soldier – E. M. Moore Page 0,99

down, too.

“Another thing you should remember, Jonathan,” K says with a smirk. “Sometimes your friends aren’t always your friends.”

The look I give Jiko should incinerate him on the spot. I don’t even have to hear K’s next words to know that Johnny confided in Jiko, telling him we had sex, and now Jiko’s used that against us. He’s told Big Daddy K our secret. The secret that got Johnny looking like this.

I’m going to murder him.

“Jiko came to me earlier to tell me what happened between you two. The fact that you’d had sex despite my implicit orders. He came at great risk, considering it wasn’t easy to convince me my own son would deceive me.”

I keep staring at the lowlife, willing him to look at me, but right now, he’s preening under K’s words. I’m going to chop his dick off. I’m going to beat him until he’s just as bloody as Johnny and then more, until he’s choking on his own life force. I only wish I’d kicked his ass earlier in the ring. Knocked his teeth out. Broken his trachea. That would teach him to talk. To betray his friend.

I glance down at Johnny who’s looking at Jiko with sad eyes. One of Johnny’s only friends. Everyone in his life hurts him.

“What’s the punishment?” Johnny asks, sounding bored. I worry for his mental state right now. Will this push him over the edge? Will it do what K wants it to do? Follow in his footsteps to the depths of hell no matter the circumstances?

K licks his lips, gleaming at me. “To teach Kyla that she’s the property of the Crew, not yours and definitely not her own...and to teach you that you can’t deceive me and get away with it, I’ve come to the perfect punishment. To prove Kyla isn’t yours, you’re going to watch Jiko fuck her.”

I gasp. I try not to, but the intake of breath happens before I can steady myself. When he said he was going to treat me like the whore I am, he wasn’t kidding.

My stomach rolls again, and my knees tremble. Magnum’s hands on me keep me steady on my feet, but they don’t make me feel safe anymore. Can I even feel safe here, this close to my sworn enemy? I was stupid to think I ever could.

“You want him to rape me?” I ask, incredulous determination pouring from me. Because fuck that. I will start chopping dicks if that’s what it comes to.

“Trust me,” Jiko says, a glint to his eye. He licks his lips. “It won’t be rape because you’ll be begging for it.”

“You make me sick.”

Jiko turns a twinkling eye to K. “I like them feisty. I think this is going to be fun.”

“Fuck you,” I seethe.

“Watch your mouth, slut,” K growls. “As far as I can tell, Jiko is the most loyal man in the room. Loyalty goes a long way.”

“He won’t touch you,” Mag whispers. “I promise he will not fucking touch you.”

How can he promise such a thing? If I don’t do this, K will probably just murder me right fucking here. If I don’t play their game, he’ll put a gun to my head and pull the trigger. He doesn’t give a fuck. There’s no reasoning out of this. There’s no playing on his good side because he’s the devil. He doesn’t have a good side. The space where his heart should be is cold, dark, and vacant.

“I think you’ll have fun,” K says, smirking at me. “I might even have to try that cunt out myself one of these days.”

Revulsion slithers through me. If it comes to that, I’d rather him put a bullet in me. There’s no way on this Earth I’m getting raped by my parents’ murderer.

He leers at me as he stands. “She certainly looks like she’s good and tight.” He trails his gaze over me, and I stand frozen in place. I’m too scared to move. Too scared to think, even. I don’t want anything I do to provoke him.

“I’ll need proof, Jiko,” K says as he walks from the room. “Preferably of the photographic kind.” He moves into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of deep, brown liquid. “One with some tits will do.” He winks at his new buddy. “I’ll give you guys the room. I won’t be back until late, so don’t think you have to stop at one, Cardinale. Make her yours. Over and over and over.”

Big Daddy K moves forward, Copyright 2016 - 2024