Beautiful Soldier – E. M. Moore Page 0,96

I want to ask if he thinks he’ll be coming in with me but the elevator dings and the door opens. I lose my chance.

Taking a deep breath, I walk out like I’ve done dozens of times before. The guards don’t pat me down or use the wand on me, so we stride toward K’s door with the knife still strapped just above my ankle. The guard there at the door greets Magnum. “What up, brother?”

“I hear he’s waiting on Kyla,” Mag says, keeping his voice even and calm.

I envy him that facade.

“Yep.” The guard glances at me and gives me a small smile. “She’s to come in immediately,” he says, stretching the word out. If this is serious, K hasn’t let anyone else know. They seem to be in decent moods, even joking a little.

“Is Johnny in there?” I ask. “I can’t get ahold of him.” The off-hand question shouldn’t come as a surprise. I hope, anyway.

“Yeah, he’s in there. He and the guy from Chicago.” The guard kicks the door open behind him and moves out of our way as we walk in. Pressure swarms me, and it feels like the first time when I came into this suite to meet him. I thought I was going to throw up then, and I might just do that now. No matter how hard I try to not be afraid of him, I can’t. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to take his life one day, though, but I’m woman enough to admit he scares the shit out of me.

Magnum and I step farther in, and the guard who let us in closes the door behind us with him on the other side.

My ears perk up, but I don’t hear any noises, and I don’t immediately see anyone either. It isn’t until we get even farther in that Johnny’s slumped form strapped to a chair, blood running down his face, pulls me up short. My stomach threatens to expel at the sight.

“Johnny,” I say almost hesitantly, like I can’t believe it. Then I yell his name, running forward. Magnum tries to grab me, but he just misses. Johnny’s right eye widens as he takes me in. The other is swollen shut. His usually crisp white shirt is bloodied from the gash on his cheek and nose.

His gaze says everything though. He looks at me with a heart full of apology and regret and love.

In that moment, I know I’ll take so much happiness in killing Big Daddy K. Not only for what he did to my parents, but for this moment right here, right now.

A deep growl rips through my throat, and I turn.

Big Daddy K sits cross-legged in a plump chair that usually adorns his living room. The dining room table is pushed to the corner. Johnny is front and center with his father sitting just in front of him. Staring, gloating over what he’s done. “Hello, Kyla. I’m so glad you’re here.”


I want to pulverize him. I want to take a meat tenderizer to his fucking head.


Just that one, raspy word stops me. With my hands balled at my sides, I turn back to Johnny. My heart breaks. Blood trickles from his mouth, proving this wasn’t just one punch. Not that that’s any better, but this is a beating. Meant to hurt. Meant to inflict more than just pain.

Meant for submission.

I swallow hard, and he tries to smile for me, but he grimaces in pain instead. “Everything is going to be okay,” he promises.

Can he really promise that anymore? Look what’s happened.

Johnny tilts his head to the side to tell me to come stand next to him. I do as he’s asked, placing my hand around his shoulders while his wrists are tied behind him. Magnum looks on at the scene with completely veiled horror and disgust. It’s in his eyes. On the surface, he appears blank, bored even. But I see it all in his eyes.

“I already told you how sorry I am,” Johnny says, voice strained though he’s trying to talk like he’s in a business meeting. “There’s no need to bring Kyla into this. It was my fault.”

Big Daddy K leans back in his chair, lacing his hands behind his head. “Now, now. I know you want to save face in front of your little girlfriend, but we have to show people, don’t we? Isn’t that one of the top rules I’ve always taught you? When talking isn’t enough, you show people.” His Copyright 2016 - 2024