Beautiful Soldier – E. M. Moore Page 0,3

as much about keeping them safe as it was about me. Now that they know my plans, they’re in as deep as I am. It’s not what I wanted to happen.

I lick my lips, dread settling in my gut. “What about Brawler? And Oscar?”

Finn shakes his head. “I haven’t seen Brawler, and I’m not sure I know who Oscar is.”

I think back, wondering if they’ve ever met, but I guess it doesn’t matter. “So, you’ve just been talking to Johnny then?”

“He needed someone who was close to you, but not close to him. Someone who would come here for him.” Finn runs his hands through his hair. “He approached Jax and I, and I jumped on the opportunity to help you.”

I arch a brow. “But not Jax?”

“He’s just a little overprotective,” Finn says, flicking a piece of lint off his jeans.

I snort at that. “It’s fine if he doesn’t like the Crew, Finn,” I tell him. “I mean, I wouldn’t go saying anything to Johnny, but...I’m a different story. Jax doesn’t have to be afraid of me.” Finn gives me a look. “Okay, maybe not afraid of me, but he doesn’t have to be afraid of getting mixed up in Crew business. I don’t want that. For either of you. I’m well aware of why I’m here.”

Finn sighs. “Jax likes to play the tough guy, but he’s worried about you too. If he wasn’t, he never would’ve shown up.”

“Tell him I appreciate it. I really do.” I stare into his eyes, knowing that this brief interlude in my current life is about to come to an end. Finn has given me Johnny’s message, which means he can’t stay. He’ll have to heed the girl’s warning soon. “Thank you for coming.”

He dribbles his fingers across my shoes. “What do you want me to take back to Rocket?”

Without thinking, I lean forward and press a kiss to Finn’s cheek.

The flirty trainer’s cheeks blaze, crimson blooming everywhere until it hits the tip of his ears. “You seriously want me to kiss Rocket?”

I laugh, placing my hand over his. “It’s your funeral. I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to get the message across.”

Finn slides back through the window, laughing. When he peers back, he’s stoic again. “Stay safe, Princess. Soon, okay?”

“Okay,” I mimic back.

He walks away, jamming his hands into his pockets with his stare aimed at the lush green grass. I watch him until he disappears around the side of the building. My heart squeezes painfully, but I get up, force the window back down one-handed, and then retreat back to the table.

The girl comes up behind me. She doesn’t say a word, just starts where douchebag PT guy left off.

Meanwhile, “soon” is like a chorus through the chaotic mess of my brain. I wonder how soon soon is.

I guess I’ll just have to wait to find out and pray to God I get out of this mess.

The chances God listens to someone like me are slim, but I think good thoughts anyway.


Two weeks later, the sun shines directly into my eyes as I step outside the PT building. I squint, momentarily blinded before taking my sunglasses out of my small bag and putting them on. Luckily, the tinted lenses let me case the surrounding areas. It’s routine now. I’m not dumb enough to think Gregory’s guys won’t come for me again. However, since Finn and Jax came to see me, I’ve been extra diligent about checking the perimeter in case another familiar face shows up. Someone just waiting for me to notice them.

As has been the case for the last thirteen days, no one’s waiting or watching.

I walk over the crack-laden sidewalk to the bus stop right outside the building. Leaning against the rusty sign, I breathe in the fresh air, knowing I’ll be spending another night at the halfway house.

That’s not what it’s called. They’ve titled the place Greenlawn Reformatory. It’s not winning any awards. Not for names, cleanliness, or hospitality. It’s a place to stay, though, and the Wi-Fi isn’t too bad, allowing me to keep up with school through distance learning.

The mechanical whine of a monster engine rings in my ears, and I peek left to find the city bus accelerating around the corner three blocks away. I can’t even remember what it’s like to drive my car. I keep telling myself that when I get out of the halfway house, I’m taking my car for a nice, long drive. Just to get away.

It probably won’t happen, but Copyright 2016 - 2024