Beautiful Soldier – E. M. Moore Page 0,19

him access to all of me. Whether he’s meaning it in this way or not, his kiss is like a balm to my soul. When he pulls away, my lips feel swollen and worshipped. “I’m there,” he says. He turns toward Oscar. “I’ll help you, too. Kyla’s right. You shouldn’t give up on football because we got dealt shitty hands with a deck no one cares about anymore.”

Oscar rubs the back of his neck. He hits his cap, making it sit awkwardly on his head. He grabs it off, turns toward me, and puts it on my head. Leaning down, he kisses me. “I need a moment. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

I grab his hand to hold him back. “Don’t go.”

He wiggles out of it. “It’s okay. I’m good. I just…I’ll be here tomorrow, alright?”

Oscar makes it to the door before Brawler leans over to kiss my temple. “I’ll go after him. Don’t worry. We got this shit handled.”

I watch them both go, the door closing behind them. Magnum gets up to lock it as I blow out a breath. “He’s not used to having people stick up for him, not even in front of himself.”

“Which is why we need to get out of here.” I rub my temples, and Magnum moves up, placing his hands on my hips. I love how he’s gone from staying away to touching me like it’s natural.

“Sorry,” he says, like he’s somehow heard my train of thought. “I just don’t want to stop touching you now that I can.” He drops his forehead to mine. “I was sure Johnny would be able to get you back, but…it didn’t ease my worries any.”

My heart squeezes in my throat. His presence looms over me, dousing my body in sensations. Curiosity pricks at me. Magnum and I were friends first. Countless hours spent with each other in his apartment and in the car while he carted me everywhere. We became easy talking buddies after a while, but after the weeks have passed, this seems like a giant leap I can’t wait to take, but it’s still a leap.

“I will go as slow as you want,” he breathes.

My body hums in approval, a slight vibration that automatically moves me closer to him. His arms wind around my back, and I have to remind myself to breathe. “If you’re with me, what do you want after this, Magnum?” I smile, remembering that day in the hospital when the detective let the cat out of the bag about Mag’s name. “Detective Reynolds told me your real name.”

The corner of his mouth teases up. “I am with you.” He leans over, his lips brushing against mine. “And you can call me by my real name.”

“Jacob,” I say, testing the sound of it on my lips, but only serving to increase the friction between us. My mouth buzzes, tingling with excitement as it moves over Magnum’s plump lips.

“Say it again.” His demanding voice sets fire to my core.


He covers my mouth with his own, teasing and prying, spreading my lips apart, so he can dive his tongue inside. I moan hard, leaning my hips into him until he pulls me that much closer, removing all distance between us. He reaches his hand up my back, tangling in my hair until he holds me in place while he ravishes me. He plays my mouth like a kissing prodigy, knowing exactly what and where and how to have me gasping for breath.

“I miss my real name,” he says finally. His chest slides against mine as we both compete for the same air.

“Magnum is pretty badass though.”

“I just miss being me,” he admits. “Not an arm of the Crew, but Jacob Cotton—” He presses his lips together.

I swallow. “You didn’t tell me what you wanted after all this.”

“Just to be me again,” he says. “That’s what I want. To be me again. With you. To let everyone see me.”

“That’s pretty vague.” I don’t even know the words coming out of my mouth right now because I keep staring at his lips and trying to regain a state of steady breathing.

“It’s all I got.” He groans when I arch into him. “I have to go before I take you into that room and screw up everything I just promised you.”

He leans my head back, searching my face.

“Don’t,” I tell him. “I don’t want to be alone again.”

He kisses my cheek, hand massaging my neck before he finally speaks. “Okay.”

Magnum follows me into my room. He leaves Copyright 2016 - 2024