Beautiful Soldier – E. M. Moore Page 0,107

but nothing could detract from his hotness factor.

Magnum’s phone pings. He pulls it out of his pocket. “They’re coming up the elevator right now.”

I heave myself off the bed. “I’ll go let them in.”

I hurry out of the room before either one of them protest and get to the door when the knock comes. I open it, and Oscar pushes inside first. He captures me in his arms, lifting me off my feet. He’s wearing his hat backward again. A look I love on him. He doesn’t say anything, just hugs me until he sets me on my feet, and Brawler’s arms surround me from behind. His hot breath hits my ear as he presses a chaste kiss to my neck. “You okay?”

I nod, feeling myself relaxing already now that we’re all together. “Come on,” I tell them. “We’re all in the bedroom.”

“Meeting in the bedroom? I could get down with that.” We walk inside, and Oscar stops. “Dude. Fuck. Are you okay?” His concern strikes me, considering they’d just fought earlier. Though, you’d have to be heartless to see Johnny’s face and not care.

“I’ll get over it,” Johnny mumbles.

I can tell he doesn’t like being singled out as being hurt, but he’s going to have to get over that. We’re a team.

We all take spots on the bed, and I size them up. If this is going to be a regular thing, I’m going to need a bigger bed. We wouldn’t fit on here if we were all lying down. Not that my mind should be headed in that direction, but if you’re surrounded by four hot guys and your mind doesn’t go there, there’s probably something off with your libido. Just sayin’.

Brawler’s hand traces down my back. Magnum’s on my right and Johnny and Oscar are across from us. “Tell us everything.”

Johnny reiterates the story since he’s the one who was involved in most of it. The shock and anger that splays over Bat’s face warms me. “I hope you killed the fucker.”

I scoff. “I wish.”

Johnny continues, confessing to everyone that he didn’t kill Jiko because he knows what it’s like. He tells us his friend isn’t a bad guy, and I want to disagree with him, but I see where he’s coming from. He was between a rock and a hard place with the devil the only way out. I’ve been there before. Made decisions I didn’t want to but had to. That’s why I’m here.

“What’s going to happen now?” Oscar asks. “Do we have to worry about any more repercussions from K?”

Johnny shakes his head. “No, he’s done. He dished out the punishment, and for all he knows, we complied. He won’t even bring it up again.”

“Easy for him. He wasn’t the one beaten to a pulp or made to screw someone.” I reach for Magnum’s hand on the bed, so he knows I don’t mean anything against him. I wanted that part. Sure, I would rather our first time be more personal, but it is what it is. Hopefully, we’ll have a lot of time to make up for it.

Mag squeezes back.

“Alright, so...” Oscar says. “We got the fight coming up. Brawler’s initiation tasks, whatever they may be. And we still have to worry about the next move Gregory might make. Did I get everything?”

“We need to keep Kyla away from my dad,” Johnny says.

“Right. Because that will be easy.”

Johnny lets out a breath. “I want her to move in with one of you guys. I want her as far away from here as she can get.”

I sit up. “What?”

Johnny finally takes the ice pack away from his swollen eye. “It’s not safe for you here. I’ll tell him I thought it was best, so we don’t fuck anymore. I don’t know. I’ll make up some excuse.”

Brawler’s hand drops to the bed, leaving a trail down my spine. “Maybe she can get her apartment back? I’d say she can live with me, but...” He shakes his head. “ mom.”

I rub his shoulder. “I know. It’s okay.”

“She can live with me,” Oscar says, capturing my gaze. “My mom hasn’t been home in a couple of months. I haven’t heard from her. I don’t know where she is.”

“But is that really the best idea?” Magnum asks, speaking up. “She has more security here in the tower than anywhere else.”

“Right now, her biggest threat is inside these walls,” Johnny says, voice growing darker. “I’ll take Gregory’s guys over my dad any day. We’ll sneak her out of here Copyright 2016 - 2024