Beautiful Soldier – E. M. Moore Page 0,10

heart thumping so hard it thrums at my wrists. Thankfully, we’re alone back here.

Magnum presses a kiss to my shoulder. “How’s your neck?” He pulls my collar down, and my neck heats at his inspection.

“Better,” I tell him, moving back to rest my head on his shoulder. “I had electrical therapy today.”

I turn to the side to look at him, and he lifts his brows. “Does that even work?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow.” I smile. “The doctors tell me I’m healing perfectly, but they know I want to get back into fighting, so they’re doing everything they can to heal me until I’m brand new.”

He closes his eyes for a brief moment, and the guilt coloring his features is unmistakable.

The car hangs a left, and Magnum holds onto me tighter. “Where are we going?” I ask, peeking out the tinted window.

“You’re headed back to the Heights to continue on as normal.”

Just the way he emphasizes you’re makes me hesitant. “And everyone else?”

“I haven’t seen Brawler since that night. Oscar, I’ve seen a few times, mostly when the Crew was discussing how to get you back.”

I’m sensing he led with the easy parts first. “Johnny?” I ask.

He breathes, and his chest expands underneath me. “He’s hanging on by a thread.” Magnum kisses my neck as if that will soften the blow. “K wants him to stay in Chicago where they’ve been holed up, but he’s adamant he’s coming back to the Heights.”

“They’ve been in Chicago?”

“They left that night.” Magnum rests his chin on my shoulder, his scruff pricking my skin. “He arranged everything from there, talking to the Crew here via video conferencing.”

“So, he won’t be in the Heights when we get back?”

Magnum shrugs. “It depends on who won. Johnny or his father.” The usual steady bodyguard shifts underneath me. I turn my head and catch uncertainty in his gaze. He looks over. “K’s not used to having something as important as the Crew vie for Johnny’s attention.”

A smug smirk threatens to come out, but I hold it back. “Let me guess, Big Daddy K isn’t happy?”

Magnum shakes his head. “Not at all.” He hugs me closer to him briefly. “If it was just a father-son spat, that would be one thing. But you’re Crew business now, and at the moment, Johnny’s acting like you aren’t. He’s acting as if you’re a separate entity he gets to have for himself. Something he’s using his own mind on.”

Uneasiness sweeps over me, raising the hairs on the back of my neck. Big Daddy K runs a tight ship. This won’t go over well with him. He likes to have every aspect of Johnny and the gang planned out himself. That’s why he made up the no sex rule, using me as Johnny’s prize for when he moved up.

“I need you to be extra careful,” Magnum whispers hoarsely. “The last thing we need is for K to see you as a threat rather than an asset. Johnny’s smart enough to know this, too, so if he doesn’t come right back to the Heights, don’t put his balls in a vise for it.”

Interesting choice of words, though not far off from where my mind was headed. However, it’s unfair of me to think that way. It’s only because I want to see him so badly that I want him on the next plane out of Chicago.

The car starts to slow, so Magnum slips me off him, creating space between us. “Be very careful. Trust no one but me, Brawler, and Oscar.”

I lift my brows. “Johnny?”

Magnum strokes his facial hair. “I fucking hope so, Kyla.” He glances out of the car. “From this moment forward, you be the good little Crew girlfriend. Got it?”

Before I can answer, he opens the door and stretches his legs out into the familiar underground parking lot.

Emotions tumble inside me. Some hopeful, some laced with anger, but mostly, I do as Magnum says and paint the face of a Crew girl on the outside.


Disappointment slows my feet, making me stop in the middle of my tower apartment when I realize Johnny’s not here. The whole building is suspiciously quiet. No hum of energy on the upper floors. No security personnel walking around. Magnum and I didn’t see a single soul on the way to our floor.

As if reading my expression, which I have no doubt he can, Magnum says, “Most everyone went to Chicago. There’s just a few key people here to talk with the lawyer and—”

“What about Finn? He said he Copyright 2016 - 2024