Beautiful Revenge (A Good Wife #1) - Sienna Blake Page 0,84

It clips him on the skull and bounces to the ground.

He turns suddenly. “What the hell?”

I pull up short a few steps from him. “Where do you get off talking to me like that?”

He growls as he rubs his head and I’m reminded of an angry bear. I take a small step back.

“Shit,” he mutters. “I knew I shouldn’t have come near you.”

“But you did. And you saved me from that creep and you made him apologize to me, which was probably the sweetest thing anyone has done for me in a long time, but then you said the most awful things… and… and now you’re just walking off. What the fuck?”

“I’ve seen you in there more than once. You come in alone, each time with a different dress on, but each dress has the same M.O. Up to your ass and showing so much cleavage that you could catch flies with it. And boy do you do catch some flies.” His face twists in disgust and I flush with shame.

He thinks I’m a slut. Normally I wear that badge with honor. Yeah, I can fuck like a man. If that makes me a slut, so what? But now, I involuntarily pull down the hem of my dress, then curse myself for doing so.

“So I dress like this. I don’t ever get any complaints.”

“Of course they don’t complain. They’re getting exactly what they want from you.”

I swallow. Yes, the men I fuck are using me, but I’m using them, too. Aren’t I?

“I’m an adult. I can do what I want.” But my voice sounds smaller to my own ears. I fight back a prickle behind my lids.

He sighs and the hardness slips from his face a little. “Is this really what you want for yourself?”

Through his eyes I’m not sure anymore whether I like what I see. It makes me tremble inside and threatens to blow the lid on my whole sanity. What do I do now? I need some sort of answer.

I must get closer to him. I let my other heel slip to the ground and I take a few steps forward cautiously, ignoring the stab of loose gravel under my feet, closing the gap between us. He watches me warily, and I’m reminded of approaching a wild animal. Don’t make any sudden moves. Don’t startle him.

When I get close enough to smell him the feeling of safety encases me again, and I know, whatever happens, I can’t let him get away. I need this. I need him. I take a final step so we stand face to face.

“You said I just needed to be reminded. You could remind me.”

I lift my palms towards him to get my first feel of his wide chest. He grabs my wrists before I can touch him and pins them to my sides. It’s our first touch and it makes me feel lightheaded and numb. I revel in it. Our eyes feel like they have fused to each other. In any other circumstance I would have pouted or licked my lips or heaved out my breasts. None of these things feel right. With him, I feel…real.

“You’re right.” I’m surprised at how shaky my voice is, but I keep going. “I don’t like who I am. But I don’t know how to be anything else anymore. You can’t just leave me like this. Please… don’t leave me like this.”

“I wouldn’t be good for you.”

“You said that already.”

“It’s the truth.”

“Let me be the judge of that.”

His lips purse and he looks pained all of a sudden. I get the urge to take his bottom lip between my teeth and suck. I don’t. I don’t move.

“This isn’t a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“Because… I’m complicated.”

“So am I.”

“I have rules.”

“I’m very good at following rules.” I’m not. But for him I’d try.

Under the fierceness in his eyes I detect a hint of amusement. “Do you really want to get involved with me, kitten?”

Kitten. As in, I am a kitten and he is a lion. If I get involved, he’ll eat me up. Dear God, I want to be eaten up by him.

He steps closer, but he doesn’t let go of my wrists. He’s holding me gently but firmly and I can feel the strength in his hands. For some reason being pinned by him relaxes me. It’s like Valium and I’m already addicted.

He bends his head down and rubs his lips across my cheekbone, starting from near my nose and along to my ear. Oh my. How is Copyright 2016 - 2024