Beautiful Revenge (A Good Wife #1) - Sienna Blake Page 0,79


Excerpt of Professor’s Kiss

I scanned the locker room, a few startled males in various stages of undress staring at me, some trying to cover up. Others leering at me.

“Hey,” someone called, “you can’t be in here.”

I didn’t give a shit.

My gaze fell upon a familiar broad-shouldered figure, the very man, no, boy, no, devil, I was after. Danny O’Donaghue was standing by a set of lockers, wrapped only in a towel. He looked to be in the middle of a story by the way his arms were positioned mid-air, a group of lads clustered around him. The eejits of this school would probably crowd around him if he farted just so they could smell it.

His hair was damp and pitch-black so he must have just gotten out of the shower. His broad shoulders on display, bare chest leading down to the most incredible set of abs I’d ever seen in real life. He looked photoshopped, the asshole. Further proof that he’d made a deal with the devil.

Danny’s eyes met mine. A flash of surprise disappearing quickly under what looked like amusement. He was all I could see.

He smirked. “Don’t worry about her, boys. She’s not here for any of us.”

Everybody chuckled.

He said to me, “You’re in the wrong changing room if you’re looking for a ride.” I hated that his use of the slang word for “fuck” made something tighten in me.

My vision bleed, my hands shook by my sides. I was going to kill him. Actual legit murder. I’d plead insanity. He made me insane.

“Everybody out,” I yelled in the sternest voice I’d ever heard come out of my mouth.

Nobody moved.

I tore my eyes off of Danny and glared at the shitheads in the locker room.

“Get the fuck out. Now,” I yelled. I snapped my focus back to Danny. His eyes were now dark and stormy, the tension ratching up and crackling between us like a live wire. “Except you.”

He was in so much trouble.

Somehow, I felt like I might be in trouble, too.

“Do what she says,” Danny called in his authoritative voice, garnering no argument, a hard tone that made a shiver run down my spine. “Now!”

Everybody sprang into action. Clothes were yanked on, towels discarded, bags grabbed. Within moments the door swung shut behind me and Danny and I were alone.

I hated how he could do that. Just make a demand and the world fell to its knees for him.

It also turned me right the hell on.

Stupid stupid.

We both moved at the same time, striding forward until we met in the middle, right next to a set of lockers. He towered over me and the heat rolling off his body was dangerous, a drop of sweat already collecting at the base of my spine. But I would not back down. I lifted my chin and glared back at him as good as he gave.

“So. You have me here alone,” he said, his voice dangerously low. “What do you want?”

“You spread that rumour about me, didn’t you?” I hissed.

“What rumour?”

“Don’t play dumb.”

He snorted. “As if I’d care enough about you to do something like that.”

“Cormac dumped me.”



Danny leaned in, a drop of water coming off his hair and flicking onto my cheek, the coldness so stark against the heat under my skin I was surprised it didn’t sizzle.

“That asshole was just trying to win a bet. He doesn’t deserve you.”

I blinked, then took a step back because… fuck, air. I needed air.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing any of it?” My voice was hard.

I wasn’t begging for the answer. I was demanding it. I was sick to death of his bullying, his murderous stares, the way he taunted me, teased me. He didn’t do it to anyone else.

“What am I doing?”

I rolled my eyes. “Why are you such an asshole to me—only me?”

“I’m an asshole to everyone. You’re not special.”

I raised an eyebrow at him. He and I both knew that was a lie. And he knew that I knew that he knew.

“Because…” he finally said.

“Because?” I wasn’t letting go of this. I was sick of his shit. I wanted to know once and for all what his problem with me was?

He shrugged, then made as if to turn back to his locker.

I grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop. I stepped up to him, so close I could smell his sweet mint on his breath, feel it brush against my forehead. He probably—definitely—could have pulled his arm out of my grasp and Copyright 2016 - 2024