Beautiful Revenge (A Good Wife #1) - Sienna Blake Page 0,45

her apart. God, she is so soft. So warm. Her mouth opens for me, our kiss deepens. I sink a little further. My body fills with heat. Hungry, angry fire.

I can no longer deny it. I still want her. I still want Alena.


I blink, my thoughts scattering like birds. They don’t go far. They circle overhead waiting to peck at me again.

Javier raises an eyebrow. “You okay?” We’re sitting across from each other in the small living area in my guest room here in Worthington Manor.

“Fine.” I turn back to the documents that Javier only just put in my hands. I have to focus.

I flip through the pages. My written English is not the best; that’s what I have Javier for. But I know how to read numbers. “These financials are different from the ones Edgar has given me.”

Javier raises an eyebrow. “How about that.”

I scan the real financials, the ones that Javier finally got his hands on. Outgoings, income, debts, assets, capital… Holy shit.

I look up to Javier.

Javier nods. He knows what I’ve just realised.

A smile spreads across my face, triumph tickling my belly. “Mr Worthington has been a very bad boy.” Any remorse I had about crushing his company to the ground is gone.


A sob tears from Alena and pours into my mouth. Something threatens to break out of the place I banished it to. It threatens to fill my heart.

I pull away and kiss up her tears. “Stay with me, Alena,” I whisper, drunk on her. “Stay with me… tonight.” I take her perfect mouth again.

She’s a song in my head, on repeat.

I want her like a sickness. Even after she rejected me. I can barely concentrate on anything else since that damned kiss. The hate that I had used like a knife to sharpen my focus over the last five years was…it wasn’t wavering, it was being misplaced by the thought of consuming her. Of taking her body.

Like I should have done five years ago.

Like I am owed.

I just need to fuck her. Then I can get her out of my system. She made it quite clear last night she would have no part in that. The second rejection simmers underneath my skin, mixing with lust.

I ignore Javier’s question about Alena as an idea begins to percolate.

I say out loud, “I wonder how far Edgar Worthington will go to save his company.”




I refuse to acknowledge Dimitri. It’s not hard during the day as he and my husband lock themselves away in his office, hammering out their deal. At mealtimes, he doesn’t speak to me either. On the occasion that I happen to look up, I catch him scowling at me like he’s trying to figure something out. I don’t give him anything in return—no anger, no sadness, no longing. Nothing. I am numb.

What hurts is that Emily’s still angry with me. She speaks to me in stilted tones. I don’t know what to do. I can’t apologise for disapproving of her crush on Dimitri. I will never approve that, not just because my heart feels like it’s being ripped apart when I imagine them together. I know that Dimitri’s only intentions are hateful and vengeful.

I can’t tell her any of this. I can’t tell her why.

Between meals I hide myself in my study, losing myself in writing. Pages and pages come pouring out of me, like someone has finally cut me open. The feelings I cannot express bleeding onto the pages in curls of black ink.

Nobody finds me here.

Not even Dimitri.

I knock on my husband’s office door and stick my head in. “You wanted to see me?”

My husband is standing at his window facing out, his hands folded behind his back. “Come in. Sit.”

I frown as I take a seat in one of the plush chairs in front of his expensive wooden desk. I don’t think my husband has ever asked me to see him here. Only ever in his bedroom.

“It seems Mr Wolf and I have reached an agreement.”

If their negotiations are over, Dimitri will leave Worthington Manor. Twin fissures of both relief and disappointment go through me. I chastise myself for half of those feelings.

“Congratulations,” I say.

Only then does he turn on his heel to look at me. His lips are pressed into a thin line, a deep frown on his face.

Something is wrong.

“He has insisted on something…unusual as part of the deal. Something that I need your help with.”

Dear God. What terrible plan has Dimitri concocted now?

“Before I tell you,” his voice hardens, Copyright 2016 - 2024