Beautiful Revenge (A Good Wife #1) - Sienna Blake Page 0,40

me suffer?

I hear footsteps coming up behind me. I spin. The sight of Dimitri striding towards me makes the breath jam against my voice box. By the light of the moon and the glow from inside, his eyes are wild and unleashed.

“Damn you,” he hisses.

“Stay away from me,” I say, taking a step back. I have nowhere to go, the balcony digging into my lower back.

He grabs my shoulders and pulls me against him.

“What are you—?”

“Five years.” His eyes glitter with madness. “Five years you’ve haunted me. You’ve tormented me.” His voice is so filled with anguish, dripping with such pained rage, that all my anger freezes in my veins. “You she-devil. You witch.” He beats his hand against his heart. “Why are you still in here?”

“Dimi, I—”

He crushes his mouth to mine. My brain short-circuits. I freeze, halfway between disbelief and shock. For a moment his lips are dancing alone as they move against me, punishing me, daring me. Something rumbles awake inside me. Something that will no longer be denied. The longing and love I’ve been repressing for five long years breaks like a dam under the sheer momentum and fury of this blazing phoenix. My mind goes blank, awash with pure need. I kiss him back. Hungry. Desperate. His arms coil around me. I curl my fingers into his shirt and press closer. It’s not close enough. I could never get close enough.

He licks the seam of my lips, begging to be let in again. I part my lips and take in his breath. Our tongues fight against each other, warring in our hot mouths. Our hearts beat against each other, break against each other. A sob tears from my throat. I feel warm rivers sliding down my cheeks. God, I’ve missed him. I miss him so much that it hurts. Even the relief cramps in my core, mixing with longing and anguish and anger. I want to beat his chest and scream at him and never let him go. Why did it take him so long to find me? Why?

He pulls away from my lips. My body begs for them back. He kisses my cheeks, licking up the salty tears. My fingers clutch at him, at his arms, his shoulders, his chest, desperate to know him again, every next part of the firm muscles I explore making the heat in my core flare.

Your husband could come out at any minute.

I don’t care.

Emily could come out.

At this I pause, guilt crumpling into a ball in my chest. Her disappointment when she finds out is the only thing I will regret. She will get over it. This not about her. This is me taking back my soulmate.

Dimitri’s thumb runs across my cheekbone. His eyes, boring into mine, are pained and conflicted. “Stay with me, Alena,” he whispers. “Stay with me tonight.” He crushes his lips to mine again.


Not forever.

Just tonight.

This man is only here to hurt you, Alena. If you stay the night with him, don’t think for a second he won’t tell your husband. The reminder of his hateful purpose here throbs like a punch to my chest. I tear my lips off his. My hand goes flying, palm striking his cheek with a violent crack before I know what I’ve done.

He releases me. I stumble back, my hands now reaching for my throat. He still wants me. But he doesn’t love me. He would ravage me tonight, then flaunt it in front of the only two people who care about me. This is his plan to ruin me.

I almost fell for it.

He lifts his eyes, fury glittering in those icy depths. Past the flames I see…pain, oh, so much pain. A raw, open wound. A sadness that wells so deep I cannot glimpse the bottom.

I’ve rejected him. Again.

My heart tears apart for him. I forget that he means to destroy me. All I want to do is help soothe his wounds. Wounds that I made. I take a step towards him, my hands reaching for him.

“Dimitri?” It’s a familiar sweet voice calling from just inside the terrace door.



I can’t let her see me here. Not like this. Not with Dimitri. Not with our kiss still splashed across our faces and our pasts bleeding from our chests. She’ll know. It’ll break her sweet little heart. She’ll tell her father. I will be ruined.

I turn and run into the darkness of the terrace. I tumble into the house through a far door. I keep running, the opulent hallways Copyright 2016 - 2024