A Beautiful Funeral (The Maddox Brothers #5) - Jamie McGuire Page 0,61

know,” I said, thinking aloud. “Whether or not Thomas had offered you as sacrifice to the FBI—”

“In return for immunity,” he added.

“Yes, but between Abby’s father and Benny Carlisi, you would have been involved in this mess. In a way, the fire kept you on the right side of it.”

“I guess so,” Travis said, lost in thought. “They didn’t think I’d actually be worth a damn and turn from asset to agent, did they?”

“Actually, I think they did,” I mused. “The FBI would take all five of you if Trenton and the twins would go for it.”

“Trent?” Travis scoffed, placing an earpiece in his ear.

“He’s got heart,” I said. “Don’t forget after his accident with Camille he carried her a mile with a broken arm.”

“In two places,” Travis specified.


I caught Travis glance at the far corner of Eastern just before turning toward Mercy Hospital. We passed the street that led to the apartments where Travis and Abby fell in love and first lived, Trenton and Camille’s apartment building, the street where Shepley and America’s house sat, and then after six more blocks, he slowed.

Mercy Hospital loomed ahead, its aged, blond brick bright in the morning sun.

“Travis?” I said, angry at the sound of my voice.

“You’re okay,” Val said. “Just breathe.”

Travis found an open parking space and pulled in, twisting back the key. We sat in silence for several minutes. Not even Val dared to speak.

“I can’t!” I blurted out.

Travis pulled on the lever of his door and pushed, stepping out onto the gravel drive. “You can.” He stepped back to open the back door and reached in, swung the baby bag over his shoulder, and then reached for Stella.

“Sh-should we leave the luggage here or …?” Val began.

I looked down, feeling hot tears drip down the bridge of my nose and fall away. “I hate all of you for making me do this.”

“I’m not happy about the plan, either. But it’s still the plan. You have to do it, and you know why.” He tipped the carrier just enough that I could see the sweet face of my daughter. “If there was another way, do you think you’d be here alone?”

I shook my head and wiped my nose.

“Keep the tears,” Travis said, laying Stella’s blanket over the top of the handle to shelter her from the bright sunlight. “Tears are good.”

“Fuck you,” I said through my teeth.

A car door shut, and Val swung around, her hand on her sidearm. She relaxed, seeing Agent Hyde. “I didn’t realize you’d be joining us,” Val said.

“I’m on Agent Lindy’s protection detail,” Hyde said.

Val looked to me for confirmation, and I nodded. “She’s out of Quantico. She’s better than good. Assigned by the director.”

Val scanned Hyde from hair to shoes, sizing her up. “Is that so?”

“It’s so,” Hyde said, lifting her chin with confidence.

“It’s just Liis for now, Agent Hyde,” Travis said. “My family doesn’t know Liis’ involvement with the Bureau just yet.”

“Yes, sir,” Hyde said.

Travis closed the door and walked around to my side, helping me out and walking me to the hospital entrance. Val trailed behind. Besides Travis and I, we would have Agents Hyde, Wren, Blevins, Davies, Perkins, and Taber—all agents who’d been on this case from the beginning. All agents we trusted with the lives of our family, and the only agents besides the director who knew the truth about Thomas.

Travis touched his earpiece. “We’re on our way up,” he said simply.

The elevator door opened to an eerily quiet hallway. Hyde stepped out first, and then Travis with Stella. Val followed me, the last to leave. She seemed uneasy the moment we landed in Eakins. A nurse rushed by, startling her.

Travis smiled. “A little jumpy?”

Val snarled. “Fu...” She clenched her jaw, frustrated.

Travis led me into the waiting room, stepping to the side so I could walk in. Everyone stood, tired but smiling. The kids’ hair was all smashed or sticking up, frizzy and ratted from a long night on uncomfortable sofas and pallets on the floor. The adults were in worse shape, all staring at me, waiting for news. The look on my face must have confirmed their fears, because Falyn covered her mouth, and Ellie hugged Tyler.

“Hey there, sis,” Jim said, trying and failing a few times to rock himself up off the sofa to stand. Camille finally helped him to his feet. He was trying his best to smile, to stay positive despite the fact that I’d arrived without Thomas. He hugged me tight.

“I came as soon as

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