The Beast (Wicked Villains #4) - Katee Robert Page 0,3

stare Megaera down. It still doesn’t feel natural, but I’ve been taught how to move amongst big players from the time I first learned how to walk. This woman is powerful, but she’s just one of many. Ultimately, she holds no power over me. In theory. “If we’re done here …”

“Step carefully, sweetheart.” She waves me out the door, and I have to concentrate to keep my gait even and unhurried.

In the short time I was closeted up with Megaera, the lounge has gained a number of people. Couples and throuples and people who seem content to talk and ignore the promise of sex in the air. Or maybe it’s not sex. It’s power, the kind sometimes exchanged only for a night, sometimes for a lifetime.

I feel like I’m dying of thirst and someone just shoved me into an ocean. Water everywhere, but none of it for my drinking. All of these people are off-limits to me. They aren’t why I’m here.

A couple moves toward the bar, clearing my line of sight to the booth nearest the door back to the playroom. I get a sense of a massive white man, and then he leans forward into the meager light cast over the table. Dark hair that’s gone a little shaggy from need of a haircut. Shoulders that will fill any doorway. A surprisingly generous mouth on a face that looks carved from the side of a mountain. He’s got freckles, too, though I can’t pick them out across this distance.

Gaeton meets my gaze across the room. His dark eyes widen for the barest moment before he locks it all down. There was a time when he didn’t try to hide himself from me, but I’ve long since burned that bridge. I don’t deserve his kindness, or that hint of vulnerability that belies his size and strength. He could take me apart at the seams, but he always handled me as if I were made of spun glass.

No longer.

He starts to stand, but goes still halfway through the motion, his attention landing on something over my right shoulder. Or, rather, someone. The air shifts in the room, filling with the promise of violence. Just like that, I know who’s behind me.

My entire body clenches as Beast’s rough voice sounds in my ear. “Hello, Isabelle.”

Chapter 2


I twist to see Beast and, as always, his beauty takes my breath away. He looks like the prince in a fairy tale, all sculpted cheekbones and sensual lips. His short dark hair is perfectly styled, and he’s wearing his customary jeans and T-shirt. It should make him look underdressed—everyone else in the room is wearing suits and dresses—but Beast simply looks at home in his skin.

One would never know he’s one of the deadliest people on my father’s payroll.

My breath catches and pain lances my chest. Not my father’s payroll. Not any longer. Not ever again. He’s gone and there’s nothing in heaven or hell that will bring him back again.

Something flickers in Beast’s blue eyes, something almost like concern, before he goes icy cold. “What are you doing here, Isabelle?”

I can see Gaeton climbing slowly to his feet out of the corner of my eye. I keep my body slightly turned toward him, an invitation I desperately need him to take me up on. I need both these men in a room, and I can’t do that if Gaeton thinks I showed up here with Beast.

I lick my lips, and Beast’s attention follows the movement. “I came for you.” I glance at Gaeton, now striding toward us with long steps. “Both of you.”

Gaeton stops just out of reach. I’m painfully aware of a number of eyes on us. We have the attention of the room. If they shun me now …

My sisters will pay the price. Our territory will pay the price.

I shove down my pride, shove it deep and lock it away. There is no place for it here. I can’t demand anything, can’t expect them to fall in line. They hold all the power in this interaction and pretending otherwise will only result in ruin. Instead, I let my voice quiver the tiniest bit. I’m not even faking, not really. I’m simply letting my control lapse a small fraction of an inch. “I just want to talk. Please.”

Gaeton and Beast exchange a look filled with so much animosity, I have to fight not to take a step back. Beast shrugs. Gaeton gives himself the smallest shake and looks around, seeming to register Copyright 2016 - 2024