The Beast (Wicked Villains #4) - Katee Robert Page 0,26

place, and she’s wearing the flannel bunny pajamas that her husband got her for Christmas as a joke. One wouldn’t know by looking at her that she’s got one of the most brilliant minds in Carver City—and possesses a complete lack of the moral ambiguities that plague most people.

On the other hand, Cordelia looks like she’s just come from some kind of event. I rack my brain to remember what was tonight, but I come up blank. Her dark brown hair hangs in waves around her perfectly made up face, and she’s got on a dark blue gown. For all that, exhaustion is written on her face.

Exhaustion that disappears as she focuses on me and narrows her eyes. “I thought you were having a meeting with them. Where are you? That isn’t your bedroom.”

My life would be significantly easier if my sisters weren’t so formidable. I draw my knees to my chest to ensure I don’t flash them. “I spoke with Beast and Gaeton as planned.”

Sienna snorts. “That’s not all you did tonight.”

Cordelia doesn’t blink. “And?”

I can feel the gaze of both men drilling into me from either side. It’s a fight not to shiver. “And, like I said in my text, they will both be back in their positions as generals in two weeks.”

Cordelia’s dark eyes flash. “That’s not fast enough. You have to—”

“Cordelia.” I cut in before she can pick up momentum. “I am doing what it takes to benefit the family. Trust me when I say that I negotiated the best deal possible, and there is no way to expedite things.”

That slows her down a little, but she doesn’t look convinced. She’s silent for a moment, obviously connecting dots that I’d really rather her not connect. “You made a deal with…both men.”

No use trying to lie. “Yes.”

“And now you’re naked in a bed that’s not your own.” She frowns. “No, I don’t like this. We’ll find another way.”

“There is no other way.”

All amusement flees Sienna’s face, and she goes ice cold. “There is always another way, baby sister. Where are you? If those two fuckheads think they can force you to be their sex doll for the next two weeks, I’ll castrate them myself.” She will, too. Sienna wouldn’t win in a fair fight with either of the men in this room, but my middle sister has never fought fair. I highly doubt she intends to start now.

“That’s enough.” I inject my voice with confidence I don’t feel. “I’m safe. I’ll bring them both home when this is finished. Please don’t try to interfere before then.” I keep talking over my sisters’ protests. No matter what they think, seeing this through to the end is what I have to do. For them. For the territory. And maybe even for me, too. “I love you both. Be safe.” I hang up and switch my phone to silent.

Gaeton rumbles out a laugh. “Was that supposed to reassure them or incite them to come rescue you?”

I close my eyes and press the heels of my hands to them. “You’re not helping.”

“Wasn’t trying to.”

“They’ll be content enough once we’re back to fight against the Sea Witch threat.” I open my eyes in time to see Beast move my purse and phone to the heavy wooden nightstand. Part of me expects him to lock them out of reach, but that seems silly now. As they keep reminding me, I’m here because I chose to be here. I could walk out that door right now if I needed to.

I glance down at my bare chest. Well, there are some things impeding that plan, but the fact remains that this is my choice and I’ll stand by it.

No matter what tomorrow brings.

Chapter 9


I don’t expect to sleep. Rest and I aren’t on good terms, haven’t been since I took what little I owned and fled Sabine Valley, leaving the only family I’ve ever known behind. Leaving the only man I ever loved. Eight years later, and I still have no fucking idea if they’re alive or dead, if he’s alive or dead. I have to assume the latter. We were supposed to meet in Carver City, but if Cohen ever showed up here, I would know about it. He hasn’t. He never will now.

I was supposed to protect him and his brothers. I wasn’t good enough. Over the years, I’ve come up with half a dozen things I should have done differently, half a dozen opportunities I alone had to shift the tide. I Copyright 2016 - 2024