Beast (Reckless Kings MC 1) - Harley Wylde Page 0,30

sighed and shook her head. “I want kids too, Eric, but that’s still thinking about sex considering how babies are made.”

I grinned at her. “So it is. Does that mean you want to head to the bedroom and practice? Might have to try lots of times before I knock you up.”

She backed up and dropped the ice pack on the table. Folding her arms, she stared at me, looking too damn adorable for words. Whatever she was about to say, I probably wasn’t going to like nearly as much as stripping her naked. Still, as long as whatever she wanted wasn’t dangerous, I knew I’d be agreeing to it. There wasn’t much I wanted more right now than to see her smile, to make her happy. Except keeping her safe. That would always be my priority.

“What do you want, Tink?”

“I want to make lunch and invite my dad and grandfather over. I don’t like the thought of them being at the clubhouse all day. I doubt the rooms are very big. Besides, I don’t know when I’ll see them again. Especially my grandfather.”

“Instead of cooking, want me to get something delivered? Chinese? Pizza? Or I could place an order somewhere and have a Prospect pick it up. Any restaurant in town.”

Her stance softened and she came closer again, sitting on my lap. “Really?”

“Tink, I told you. They’re my family now too. I have no problem with you spending time with them. I just don’t want them sleeping down the hall.”

“Eventually they’ll need a place to stay when they visit,” she said. “I don’t want to be separated from my family, Eric. It didn’t hit me until I spoke to Portia. I’ll hardly ever see them, especially if I don’t have room for them to come stay with us. Portia already asked if she could come visit.”

“All right, Tink. There’s something I haven’t shown you. It’s not perfect right now, but we can make it work.” I tapped her thigh. “Let me up.”

She stood and I took her hand, leading her through the laundry room and out the door on the back wall. She’d probably assumed it went into the backyard, and it sort of did. There was a large room built onto the back of the house. I hadn’t filled it yet, not having any idea what to do with it. At first, I’d thought to make it a weight room, but now I had a better idea. We stepped out onto the back patio and I opened the door to the extra space.

I ushered Lyssa inside and eyed the space. It had ceramic tile flooring and plain white walls at the moment, with two windows that looked out over the backyard. It wouldn’t be hard to add a small bathroom and a kitchenette. I told her as much.

“We could put a queen bed in here and a sleeper sofa. A small dresser would give them a place to put their things and we could set a TV on top. No reason I can’t set up a guest account for the streaming services so they could watch whatever they wanted. Maybe a small table with four chairs? And a bookshelf with a variety of paperbacks for adults, kids, and teens.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “Think it will work?”

“It’s perfect, Eric. It keeps them close, without putting them in the clubhouse, but also gives them a space to feel like they have their own little studio apartment. I don’t think I’d want Portia out here alone, though, if she came to visit without my parents.” She leaned against me. “Maybe we could set up a guest room downstairs too? You have more rooms than we could ever need.”

“You’re right. There’s one I’ve been using for storage, but there’s no reason I can’t clear it out and put bedroom furniture in there.” I kissed her temple. “Now, what do you want to order for lunch? I’ll call it in, ask Kye to pick it up, and I’ll get your family to come over and hang out with us for the rest of the day. I think I need a chance to get to know them better and assure them you’ll be safe with me.”

“Catch Tony and you’ll convince them,” she said. She shrugged a shoulder. “Actions speak louder with them. Don’t tell them you’ll protect me, Eric. Show them.”

It wasn’t that I had forgotten about the little shit who’d chased Lyssa into my arms. The fucker had gone underground Copyright 2016 - 2024