Beast (Reckless Kings MC 1) - Harley Wylde Page 0,1

legs. The black boots on her feet were tiny but badass. She looked like a biker’s wet dream.

“Dibs,” I murmured, not taking my gaze off her.

Brick snorted. “Guess you’re over Charlotte now.”

If this angel gave me a chance? Possibly. I’d always have a place for Charlotte in my heart, but it didn’t mean I planned to spend every night alone. I’d had my share of club whores since she’d left, but this woman… she wasn’t the usual sort to stroll through our doors. She came closer, her jaw set and her stride purposeful. She was a woman on a mission.

When she stopped in front of me, I turned to face her fully. Her eyes were a dark blue, framed by thick sooty lashes. Put some red lipstick on her, and she’d look like Snow White. Perfection. My gaze skimmed over her before lifting to her face once more.

“You done?” she asked.

“Just getting started.”

She snorted and folded her arms, pushing her breasts up. I wondered if she’d done it on purpose, or if she had no clue she’d just shoved them so high her sweater had dipped low enough to expose the black lacy bra she wore underneath.

“I’m starting to think it was a mistake to come here,” she said.

The clubhouse doors opened again and the heavy tread of the men coming inside drew my attention. None wore cuts, but it didn’t mean they weren’t lethal. I could see they were each carrying multiple weapons, and the way the youngest was eyeing the woman in front of me said plenty. The little angel had brought trouble with her.

“Shit,” she murmured. “I thought I had more time.”

“More time for what?” I asked.

She sighed and focused on me. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

Before I could ask what she meant, she stepped between my legs and pressed tight against my chest. Her small hand wrapped around the back of my neck and she slammed her lips against mine. Fire licked along my nerve endings as she parted her lips and let me have a taste. Christ! I’d never have thought I’d like such a strong woman. Most flirted but didn’t make such bold moves.

I wrapped an arm around her waist and held on as I took over, dominating her mouth. She whimpered and moaned, her hold on me tightening. I heard the unmistakable click of a gun being cocked, but I didn’t break the kiss right away. I enjoyed her a little more. When I pulled back, her lips were swollen, and her cheeks flushed. So fucking beautiful.

“What the fuck, Lyssa?” the younger one demanded.

She pressed her face against my chest before turning toward the men. I stood, keeping my hand at her waist. From the corner of my eye, I saw Brick had his gun trained on them, and the Prospect behind the bar had pulled out an AR-15. The others had their hands on their weapons. Every other brother in the room was on high alert. Whatever these assholes wanted with the woman -- Lyssa, he’d called her -- they couldn’t have her. If they even tried to walk out of here with her, they’d die. It was clear she didn’t want anything to do with them.

“I told you I wasn’t available,” she said. “You wouldn’t listen. I don’t play around with little boys, Tony.”

His face turned purple and he snarled before lunging for the woman. I moved without thought, shoving her behind me. The man drew up short.

“I believe she’s made it clear she’s not interested. Run along, little boy.”

The guy sneered at me. “Like she wants anything to do with an old man like you. You probably have saggy silver-haired balls and a shriveled-up dick.”

I heard a slight snicker behind me, and then Lyssa was all out laughing. I glanced over my shoulder and saw a tear slip down her face, then another, as she tried to catch her breath. “Something funny?”

She struggled a moment but finally pulled herself together. “Yeah. The fact he thinks he has anything I want. Besides, you aren’t old. More like a well-aged bottle of scotch. All rugged and manly, sexy as hell, and just right for keeping me warm at night.”

My eyebrows lifted and I fought not to smile. Yeah, I definitely liked this one. I turned back to the kid, who did his best to glower at her, even though he couldn’t see much of her with the way I was standing. The fact the guy on his left still had a gun Copyright 2016 - 2024