The Beach House - By Jane Green Page 0,112

That seemed to be right up your alley.”

“That’s exactly up my alley. I couldn’t have chosen anywhere more perfect myself. Thank you for doing this, it’s a real treat.” He smiles at Daniel, who feels his heart flutter ever so slightly, in a way it hasn’t done in a very long time.

“So give me some dish.” Matt leans forward, lowering his voice. “What’s going on with the house?”

“All I can say is that what you heard may be true.”

“I’ve a reason for asking, though. Do you remember Stephen and Keith from the dinner party at my house?”


“Well, Stephen is seriously wealthy, and he did say the Powell house is the one he’s always wanted. I know that if Nan’s truly considering selling, he would definitely want to buy.”

“Could he afford it?” Daniel looks doubtful. “I don’t want to be rude, but the prices here are extraordinary. I think the house is worth millions.”

“That’s not rude.” Matt laughs. “It’s true. He can afford it, though. I know he’d be devastated if the house sold to someone else. If the rumors are true, would you at least tell Nan there’s someone interested in buying it who really would do it justice, because he wouldn’t tear it down, he really would renovate it and do it beautifully.”

“I’ll tell her,” Daniel says, pausing before asking, “Do you know anything about a guy on the island called Mark Stephenson?”

“The builder?” Daniel nods. “Nasty piece of work, I’ve heard, although I don’t know him personally. I’ve always believed in judging people as you find them, not by what you hear. Is he the one trying to buy it?”

“Maybe.” Daniel shifts uncomfortably.

“Makes sense,” Matt says. “Just make sure Nan knows he may not be what he seems.”

“Thanks,” Daniel says. “Forewarned is definitely forearmed.”

“It is in this case.” He sits back in his chair. “So, how much longer are you on the island?”

“Another two weeks,” Daniel says. “I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone.”

“Neither can I.” There is disappointment in Matt’s eyes. “I can’t believe how much ground there is to cover in such a short space of time.”

“Ground to cover?”

“You know, the getting to know you bit. We’ve just met and boom, you’re disappearing before we even know anything about one another.”

“What do you want to know?” Daniel smiles. He likes how direct Matt is, likes that there’s no pretense. The longer he looks at him across the table, the cuter he’s becoming. He likes that Matt has intelligent eyes that crease deeply when he smiles. He likes that his forearms are strong, suntanned, with light golden hair bleached by the sun. He likes that Matt is interesting and, seemingly, interested in him.

He likes that not only is he attracted to Matt, but that he’s allowed to be attracted to Matt. He doesn’t have to feel guilty, as if there’s something wrong with him. He doesn’t have to go home and mentally beat himself up for not being like every other husband in town.

Matt smiles. “Tell me what your perfect date would be,” he says. “Then let’s see if we can make it happen.”

Their passion is intense, the excitement so strong, Daniel can hardly breathe, until Matt pushes him away.

“What’s the matter?” Daniel gasps, for they have only just sat down on Matt’s sofa, only just begun kissing.

Matt sighs. “Oh God.” He buries his head in his hands.

“What is it?”

“I don’t know how to tell you this,” Matt says slowly.

“What?” Daniel looks at him, a twinkle in his eye. “You’re straight.”

Matt bursts out laughing.

“Hardly. But I’ve been out for years, forever. I’ve had more casual encounters than you’ve probably had hot dinners, and I shouldn’t be doing this. I knew this would happen. Jesus, I wanted it to happen, but now . . .” His eyes soften as he raises them to meet Daniel’s. “Now I can’t. This isn’t what I want anymore. No, that’s not true.” He shakes his head with a small smile. “I do want this, but I can’t do flings anymore. I can’t do this.”

“Who says this is a fling?” Daniel says, confused.

“I do,” Matt says sadly. “I do, only because I’ve known too many men who have been in your situation. We’re in very different places. I’m ready to settle down, to find my life partner, to grow roses around the door and settle in with my slippers, my dog and my man—”

“I want that too . . .” Daniel interrupts, but Matt shakes his head.

“You might, but you’re not ready for Copyright 2016 - 2024