Be My Babygirl A Billionaire Romance - Jane Henry Page 0,67

And I had to make the deadline. And I read through everything before I went to his hometown and I read everything I wrote after that, too. But didn’t go back to the beginning and her slipped in chapter was an earlier one.”

“Yes, but now we can’t deny that you sent the book in with that passage, because you did send us the book with that passage, straight from your personal email account. And the story of a jealous ex breaking into your computer and adding it to ruin you just doesn’t sound feasible.”

“But it’s true!”

“I know that. And you know that. But when has the truth ever mattered to the gossip-centric media? You know they’ll do anything to print a juicy article on a billionaire bachelor. Especially one with a daddy kink.” Her tone softens and she begins to murmur, as if talking to herself, not me. “Speaking of… by the way, that thing in Chapter Four that he does over his lap… did that really happen? I need that in my life…”

I let out a long moan. What was I thinking, sharing that with the world? “Yes?”

“Oh my God. That was soooo hot. I mean, like sooo hot.” I can picture Sarah removing her glasses and fanning herself at her desk. “How do I get a daddy of my own? Does Darius happen to have any single friends? Hmm?”

I wave my hand to an empty apartment. “Sarah, Earth to Sarah. Can we please focus on the task at hand? Saving my crumbling life and fixing this terrible mistake?”

Her no-nonsense business tone returns. She must have put her glasses back on. “I’ll work with the editing department on my side. You start with Darius. I’m sure if you explain the whole thing to him, he’ll believe you, especially if Tiffany is as bad as she sounds.”

We say our goodbyes, and I flop back down on my sofa, flipping my cell over in my hands, trying to make sense of that last conversation with Darius.

The way he looked at me, disgust in his eyes. His cutting words, “Did you?” His voice was low and dangerous, laced with furious accusations. The way he tossed that money at me, trying to get me to leave as quickly as possible.

He didn’t even want me in his sight.

I’d never told him I’d come to his hotel that night looking for inspiration, but I’d been pretty open about the fact I’d included a lot about our sex life in that book. And he didn’t seem to mind. While I was busy looking at my phone, sinking down onto my knees, reading and re-reading Sarah’s texts—this book will sell like crazy, best one yet, you made me laugh, you made me cry—what had he been reading on his screen?

It must have been this article. The one about the chapter that I didn’t, that I would never write. The one written by his bitter ex. No wonder he was so hurt, so angry.

But why did he send me away so fast? Why didn’t he trust me enough to ask me about the article, before paying me off and kicking me out.

If he loved me, if he really loved me, wouldn’t he have demanded we ‘talk this out’ as he always does?

Why was it so easy for him to let me go?

Chapter 18


It’s been three days since the news station did their exposé on Katie and her book. On day two, I got a certified mail package with every single dime I gave Katie, every stitch of clothing, every item of jewelry. I search it, furiously, looking for some shred of an apology.

No note. Nothing.

I whip it in a closet and stomp away.

On the fourth day, I can’t take it anymore. Everything reminds me of her. The clothing I bought her, hanging in my closet, her toothbrush and body wash. Even her scent lingers on my pillow. I leave the penthouse with strict orders for the cleaners to give it a thorough cleaning and to box up anything even remotely feminine.

To scrub my home of every memory of her.

I consider actually fucking moving. Everything is here, everything is her. The hot tub where I first touched her, the sofa where she straddled my lap and I made her climax, the barstool where she perched, happily eating anything I ordered her.

I was smitten with the woman. And now, she’s crushed me.

I’m angry with myself for letting myself fall so hard.

So I pack a bag, I get a ride, and Copyright 2016 - 2024