The Battered Heiress Blues - By Laurie Van Dermark Page 0,18

suit cover-up that probably came from a couture house in Paris. She was every bit Henry’s sister. The entire Walker family had the look of royals.

I was so thrilled to have Kate in the trenches with me. She busied my thoughts with mindless talk about mutual friends and acquaintances. Our five minute walk to the beach was filled with immense laughter. She took her role as best friend very seriously, vowing to keep me occupied until Henry returned.

The sky was overcast. After we laid the blanket down, and set up the umbrella, we spilled out the contents of the picnic basket. Disappointment washed over my face.

“Beer?” I was thinking of something a bit harder.

“Pace yourself, Jewels. It’s only lunchtime.”

“How long are you staying?”


“Sounds perfect. How can you manage that?”

“I’m in between jobs.”

“What happened to the magazine gig?”

“I got sick of writing about mundane shit.” She paused and struggled with finding her words. “Who cares? It’s silly stuff, really- of no consequence…nothing to burden you with.”

“Please, burden me. The statement I promised to write for the Chimbote police is due tomorrow. Until then, I don’t want to think about my crappy existence. Let’s talk about your crappy life.”

“Well, when you put it like that, I feel much better about having told my boss to sod off. It seems like the right decision now…getting fired and all.”

“You did what? Does Henry know? He got you that job.”

She shook her head as fear flew across her face. “And you better not tell him either. Same rules apply as they did in college. We take secrets to the grave.”

In an instant, Kate realized what she had said to me. She was speechless- not an easy accomplishment for her. I broke the ice by raising my beer to hers.

“-To the grave.” I hit her brew with mine and her face relaxed a bit.

“I’m an idiot. We know that about me. I’m sorry. What I meant was…”

“I know what you meant. Stop stressing. I can’t have you editing yourself around me. Not you. Everyone else does that right now, but not you. Agreed?”

“So I can say stupid things?”

“Yes, be yourself.”

“Ah, touché.”

We heard the wind snap and our heads turned to the sound. A man and a child were on the boardwalk, near my old, weather beaten, cottage, flying a kite. The beautiful colors of the dragon with its long tail whipped through the air, turning left and then right. The boy’s face was blank- disconnected.

“Who’s that?” Kate inquired.

I was intrigued. “I have no idea.”

“They’re on your property. Are you still renting out the cottage?”

“Yeah, that must be it. The realtor didn’t call, or maybe she did, with me away, I don’t know. Should we go over and introduce ourselves?”

“No. I think no,” she said.

“He’s waving.” Now I felt awkward.

“Maybe he’s hot. It’s too far to tell.”

Kate turned back toward him and waved her best beauty queen wave. I tried to study his face as I returned his glare. He seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place him.

“You have a one track mind. Someday, one day soon, someone is going to steal your heart right from your chest.”

“Well they better hurry before I jump super dad. Do you think he’s married?”

“You are too much. You have the hormones of a teenage boy, Kate.”

“No. I have the hormones of a thirty something gotta have it hottie. There is a big difference.”

“And what’s that.”

“Experience. I know what I have and how to use it.” She looked over to our neighbor. “Ooh, I bet he does too.”

I chugged the beer and lay back, pulling my straw hat over my face.

“What do you think is wrong with the boy?” Kate’s wheels were spinning.

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t…just curious.”

“The man probably lives inside of a fish bowl, with people staring at him, using their curiosity as a weapon. It’s unpleasant, trust me. Leave him be. Lay back.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

Kate felt the disgust in my tone which I found hard to disguise. We were best friends. She could take it. I moved the hat to the side so she could see my face.

“I know. Everyone is well meaning. It’s just hard living in a glass house when so many people are on the outside holding stones. Not you, but everyone else. You’re the best. You’re outside the glass house with alcohol. Now, lay back. Let’s sun.”

Kate slowly relaxed, turning on her side, pretending to read a magazine so she could spy on them. She thought she was in stealth mode, Copyright 2016 - 2024