Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,86

We can be happy again.”

“It’s not that easy, baby. He’s my husband.”

“He’s your abuser,” I replied.

That word sent a shiver through her thin body. “I don’t want to talk about this. He wouldn’t be angry if you’d stop this nonsense with Hamilton.”

It was like she slammed a wall between us, ruining the sentimental moment. Grabbing a nearby cup, she rinsed her hair of shampoo by dumping the water on her head like a baptism. I watched her for a moment before speaking. “I don’t know what I’m doing with Hamilton,” I admitted. It felt good to finally talk about him with my mother. Even if she didn’t approve, I needed to get it off my chest. “Sometimes, it feels like he could be the one, Mom.”

Mom’s mouth dropped open, but she schooled her expression quickly. “You’re too young to have the one.”

“We have this connection I can’t explain. I tried to stay away. It’s not just physical. But sometimes, I feel like I don’t know him. The Beauregards have a lot of secrets…”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Mom mumbled.

“What do you mean?”

Mom grabbed the conditioner and started coating the ends of her hair with it, working it up to her scalp with slow, methodical movements. “It’s better if you don’t know. I had no idea just how far their reach is…”

“More of a reason to get out while we can, Mom.”

“It’s too late for me, Vera,” she croaked.

“It’s never too late, Mom.”

Mom and I spent the rest of the night in silence. Every time I asked her what was going on with Joseph and the Beauregards, she closed off, sealing her mouth shut and refusing to talk to me about all of it. I wanted to pry the information from her lips, but I also didn’t want to pressure her into telling me things she wasn’t yet ready to share. She was hurting, she was a victim. I wanted to rush her to the police station and have Joseph behind bars, but I had to do things on her terms. In a time where her life felt out of control, it was important to make sure the decision to get help was in her hands.

When I woke up the next morning, I rolled over in bed, expecting to see my battered mother sleeping there, finally getting a peaceful night’s rest. But instead of her snoozing frame, her side of the mattress was empty. I shot out of bed and started wandering the apartment, my feet shuffling across the wood floors. “Mom?” I called out. Nothing.

In the kitchen, there was no sign of her. It wasn’t until I saw the scrawled note on the back of a receipt that I realized what she’d done.


Joseph called. I got up early and drove home. Loved the girl’s night. See you soon.



I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed her number, but it went straight to voicemail. It was about a five hour drive from here to DC. What time had she left? Certainly she wasn’t there already.

I didn’t have a car, or I would have gotten on the road right then and chased her down. I needed more time to convince her that she deserved better than Joseph. This wasn’t safe. What if Joseph killed her? Fuck! I knew how this would play out. Mom needed my support more than ever. I refused to let Joseph break her.

I didn’t want to call Hamilton so soon, but I really did need his help. It wasn’t like I could knock on Jared’s door, and I didn’t know Jess well enough to ask her to drive me to DC. I called him and was directed straight to his voicemail. “Where are you, Hamilton?” So much for, call me if you need anything.

Deciding that I couldn’t just sit here waiting, I got dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a gray, knit sweater and slipped on some boots before ordering an Uber to Hamilton’s townhouse. Much to my annoyance, the driver treated the ride like a leisurely stroll. My leg bounced as I rode. I clutched my cell phone in my fist and stared out the window at the passing buildings. The moment I pulled up to his neighborhood, I unbuckled and threw myself out of the car once we parked. Hamilton’s motorcycle wasn’t out front, but his Range Rover was. I knocked on the door, and the only thing to greet me on the other side was Little Mama’s barks. I could hear her Copyright 2016 - 2024