Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,66

and a see-through flowy blouse. Luckily, Infinity changed the subject efficiently, with her ethereal voice and soft smile. “Sooo, how have you been, Vera? It’s so good to see you again!”

I swallowed and blushed, still thrown off from Jess’s question. Hamilton wrapped his arm around me and kissed me on the temple while I tried to come up with an answer. Jess and Infinity stared at the subtle display of affection, their mouths parted in shock as they watched me.

“I’ve been really great,” I answered before looking at Hamilton. He met my stare with a heated intensity that made me waiver.

The smoldering moment was short-lived. “Oh, girl, we are so discussing this later,” Jess interrupted with a squeal before grabbing my wrist and looping her arm through mine. Infinity grabbed my other arm, and the three of us started walking inside, Hamilton chuckling as he followed behind us. There was a line to get into the club.

“Did you see that?” Infinity asked Jess in a whisper. “That was genuine affection.”

“Totally genuine affection,” Jess echoed.

“I can still hear you. And I’m capable of genuine affection, you know,” Hamilton called at my back. “Also, can I have my girl back? This is worse than when I told you I slept with our history teacher senior year. Gossipy hen.”

Jess stopped to gag. “I still can’t believe you slept with Miss Gladde. She was engaged to the football coach! Doggy style behind the bleachers, no less.”

I looked over my shoulder, feeling a bit out of my element as we got in line to enter the bar. Hamilton had a sheepish grin on his face. “I’d do it again. She was hot.”

A gust of wind blew through my hair. “Not as bad as the time you fucked your nanny,” Jess added while side-eyeing me, as if trying to gauge how I’d react to their ribbing.

“That was just embarrassing. I came after like three pumps.” Hamilton winced at the memory. I winced for a completely different reason.

Infinity giggled before interjecting. “Don’t forget that the two of you had quite the affair,” the soft-spoken girl said while gesturing between Jess and Hamilton.

My brows shot up. Jess rolled her eyes before speaking. “One time. One time! We were drunk, and I was curious what all the fuss was about. I had whiskey clit and didn’t even come—not for lack of trying. It only counts if you come.”

“You and Hamilton?” I asked incredulously.

“There was lots of alcohol involved,” she grumbled. “Never again.”

“Oh, come on. We were great together, baby,” Hamilton purred playfully.

“I puked on you!” Jess exclaimed, making the person in front of us in line turn to look over their shoulder.

“You’re the only lesbian I’ve ever slept with that also puked on my dick. It was good for my ego,” Hamilton replied dryly. “I mean, it wasn’t the worst sexcapade I’ve ever had, though. It was better than those twins I once fucked in my mother’s garden.”

I pulled away from Jess and Infinity to rub the back of my neck and look around. Where was Jared? Hamilton definitely had experience. I knew that I needed to hear an unfiltered account of Hamilton’s whoring around. Even though this entire conversation was making me uncomfortable, it helped to remind me that Hamilton wasn’t the sort of man to do forever. He was good in bed, but he wasn’t good for my heart. “Oh, I forgot about them,” Jess replied. “Didn’t one of them poke holes in the condom?”

“I had to pay her to take Plan B,” Hamilton replied with a shiver.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. This was fine. I knew that Hamilton was a fuckboy. This felt like a test somehow. He’d worn a condom every time we fucked, and I had been on the pill for the last two years, but we needed to be careful. “You okay, Vera?” Infinity asked while giving her girlfriend and Hamilton a pointed stare.

“I’m great,” I replied with a fake smile before inching up to the bouncer. Hamilton cursed softly, but I ignored it.

“My name is Vera,” I told the bouncer when he asked for a name. Thank goodness we were here so we could stop talking about Hamilton’s sex life.

“Ah. With Jared?” he said after typing something on his iPad.

“That’s me.”

“Welcome to Throwback.” He removed the velvet rope, and we filed inside. I really wanted to get tonight over with. Things were easier when we were just fucking. At least I could pretend this meant something when Hamilton was Copyright 2016 - 2024