Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,52

have ignored his demands. Hamilton was miles away offshore, and I was here. Jared was here. But…

“Who was that?” Jared asked.

“A mutual friend,” I choked out. “Sorry, I’m going to the bathroom. Be right back.”

I hopped off the stool and pushed through the crowd toward the bathroom, my purse clutched close to my side. What the hell was I doing? And why was there a spike of thrill shooting through every nerve ending in my body?

I went into the individual bathroom and slammed the door shut, locking it the moment I was inside. Then, I leaned against the wooden door before pulling out my cell and FaceTiming Hamilton. He answered immediately.

“Touch yourself,” he demanded the moment our call connected.

“What?” I whispered with a blush, looking around the single bathroom like someone was going to pop out of the sink and call me out for Hamilton’s naughty request.

“You let him touch what’s mine,” Hamilton croaked. He was shirtless and biting his lip. “So now you’re going to rub your needy little clit in a public bathroom while I watch. If you’re lucky, I’ll show you how hard you make my cock.”

“Fuck,” I rasped. “I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. You want to be kissed, Petal? You want to be touched? You call me. I don’t care what I’m doing. I don’t care where I am. I’ll take care of my girl. You don’t have to find relief somewhere else.”

“I’m not your girl, Hamilton. When are we going to stop this?”

He let out a sigh. “You still don’t get it. Stop telling me you aren’t mine before I hop on a plane and show you how much you are. Put your finger in your mouth. Get it good and wet for me, Petal. Suck it hard.” I couldn’t see what he was doing because the camera cut off at his bare abs, but I noticed the subtle rocking movement of his arm as if he was stroking himself.

Fuck. What was I doing? There was no one here. This wasn’t hurting anyone, was it?

I looked around again before reluctantly obeying him. My plump lips wrapped around my finger, and he smiled when my cheeks hollowed out as I sucked. I watched him with hungry eyes for a moment before pulling out with a pop.

“When I get home, you’re going to wrap those lips around my cock, Vera,” he said with a grunt. “Now touch yourself. Let me see you fall apart. Let me see how much you’re mine. Your mind might not know it yet, but your pussy sure as fuck does.”

I inhaled deeply before slipping my hand behind the elastic waistband of my skirt. I was already soaked from Hamilton’s words, my panties a damp mess as I sank into my heat and started swirling the pad of my finger around my sensitive nub. I twitched; my lips parted as I stared at Hamilton.

“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Vera. Look how hard you make me.” He eased the camera downward, and I gasped at the sight of his thick, veiny cock. His fist barely closed around it. He stroked it leisurely, and I licked my lips, imagining what he tasted like as I pinched my clit and moaned. “That’s right, baby. I’m the one that can get you off from the other side of the country. I’m the one you can’t seem to stop thinking about. I’m the one that’s got you feeling selfish for the first time in your goddamn life. No one else is here, baby. It’s just you and me. Your pretty pussy and my words. Your furious little fingers working that clit because I commanded it. Not some fuckboy you think you should be with. Me. Me. Me. Me.”

Fuck. I exhaled and an orgasm tore through me just as loud knocks pounded on the door. “Vera? You still in there?” Jared’s voice called out. Hamilton grinned wickedly before pumping himself harder. I watched him shamelessly while biting my lip and falling down from my high. His cum erupted in thick, creamy ropes, coating his palm as he tossed his head back, groaning my name. The name he’d given me. Petal. Petal. Petal.

I didn’t care about the line forming outside, Jared’s furious knocks, or the heated blush coating my cheeks. I wanted Hamilton, and I was done denying myself of the things I wanted.


“We have our first test next week. You should already be on chapter four in the textbook,” Dr. Bhavsar said while pulling down the projector screen. Her hair was Copyright 2016 - 2024