Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,43

haughty tone made me pause. “Apparently poor Jack has spent his entire life covering up Hamilton’s mistakes.”

I absorbed her words and shook my head absentmindedly. “I don’t know. He doesn’t seem—”

“You’re so naïve, Vera.” Mom rolled her eyes, making me cringe. “Maybe I’ve done you a disservice by protecting you from the evils of the world all these years. I didn’t want you to grow up too fast. I wanted you to enjoy being a child, something I wasn’t allowed. But you can’t live in la la land anymore, baby. Hamilton is bad news. He wants to bring down our family, and he sees you as the weakest link. You don’t think he actually likes you, do you? He’s ten years older than you, and according to Joseph, he could have any woman he wants. You’re just a stepping stone.”

There was a lot of cruelty to unpack in her statement. I might not have had a difficult childhood, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t exposed to the horrors of the world. What about all the times we had to split meals off the dollar menu because we were afraid that we wouldn’t make rent? What about Child Services constantly dropping in unexpectedly to check in on us?

And as far as being wanted by Hamilton, that was already an insecurity I was dealing with. I knew in my gut that someone like him couldn’t possibly want me. And hearing it from my mother made that wound fester deep in my soul.

“Do not talk to him anymore, Vera. I’ve asked you nicely, but now I’m telling you. I’m still your mother, and my husband is the one paying for your college. Joseph doesn’t like it when we associate with his brother. I mean, gosh, he works on an oil rig. He’s going nowhere in life. Jack resents him. Why would you want to spend time with such a loser?”

“Jack invites Hamilton to dinner every week,” I replied, my voice too loud. “That doesn’t sound like a man who resents his son.”

“Jack is too soft,” Mom replied. It didn’t sound like her, though. It felt like regurgitated words she was brainwashed to repeat.

“Is there a problem here?” Joseph asked. I hadn’t even noticed him approach. Mom rolled her shoulders back and held her stomach with her hand, smiling blindingly at him.

“Not at all, honey. Vera and I were just talking about your brother. I just think it would be wise for her to stay away from him, you know?”

Joseph nodded while tugging at the lapels of his jacket. He looked bright and handsome, his green eyes glimmering under the lights of the chandelier. My stepfather was put together, his suit tailored to perfection. But all that perfection didn’t feel authentic. It felt like a mask. “Ah. Yes. Hamilton is somewhat of a problem in our family. It’s sad, really. But it’s not a conversation for right now.” Joseph eyed me, his cold gaze sending shivers through my body. “I just want you to be safe. I’m glad your mother told you. Trouble follows Hamilton wherever he goes.” I felt it in my gut, that this didn’t feel right. It felt like a politician’s lie, a tool used to make his opponent look bad. But what was Joseph’s platform? What was he fighting for? Joseph let out a shaky exhale, then forced his face into a smile.

“I never got to tell you congratulations, Joseph,” I said, changing the subject. Mom beamed, happy to be discussing how fucking wonderful her husband was. I was starting to get a Stepford wives vibe from her, and I was not liking it.

He preened. “Well, thank you. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I’m very excited for this new role. I hope I can do it justice. Also, good luck with school next week. I looked at your schedule. I had some of the same professors as you. Be sure to sit in the front row of Doctor Bhavsar’s class and she’ll love you forever.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” Why the fuck had he been looking at my schedule? It wasn’t really his business, was it?

“Also, I used to work at the library. I can put in a good word for you. Dad mentioned you didn’t like the internship opportunity,” he continued. I pinned my lips shut, thankful that Jack didn’t tell Joseph about our argument. “It’s a great job to have. I basically got paid to study. You wouldn’t imagine the things I Copyright 2016 - 2024