Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,2

were much more important people here than I. And didn’t he know? I had to smile. The alternative was crying. There was no in-between. I let out a light chuckle while continuing to watch my mother. She was grinning broadly at something Joseph had whispered in her ear.

“I’m afraid if I stop, someone will take a photo and I’ll end up in tomorrow’s headlines,” I murmured with a slight wince. I was forced to swiftly get used to the publicity of our new family. My new grandfather, Governor Jack Beauregard, looked around the room, frowning slightly at the various clicking cameras zoomed in on the happily married couple, pausing when he noticed a few of them trained on us. Like the skilled politician he was, Jack wrapped his arm around me for a comforting side hug.

“I know it’s a lot to learn. There is a spotlight on my family not many can handle. You’ve adapted well.” I resisted the urge to snort. If adapting well meant crying into my pillow every night, then yes, I was adjusting accordingly.

The Beauregards weren’t just politically inclined. They shoved their hands into every money-making industry until they were up to their elbows in privilege and wealth. My mother would never admit it in polite company, but she chiseled at her rocky foundation with nothing more than a pin needle and somehow managed to strike gold. “Your love and support for your mother has been commendable. You moved across the state. Helped plan this monster of a wedding and are wearing a dress that looks tremendously uncomfortable. Honestly, you should look for a job in politics, because you haven’t cracked once.”

“At least not publicly,” I whispered, making him chuckle. Jack liked to point out how mature I was for my age. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I was forced to grow up the day I was born. I was eighteen going on seventy. Smiling, I twisted to face him. Jack had salt-and-pepper hair and deep wrinkles carved into his pale skin. The tux he wore was polished and dignified. I noticed a nick on his chin, probably from shaving. He had genuine laugh lines painted around his mouth, like he spent his entire life finding everything amusing.

I had yet to meet someone who didn’t like my new grandfather—including me. Though he seemed to know that the public always had their eyes on him, he still maintained a joyful disposition. Jack took the time to get to know me. He hosted barbeques and asked me about what books I was reading. He also got me into one of the best local universities so I could still be close to my mother during this strange transition.

“You’re doing great, kid. I just wish my wife could have lived long enough to see Joseph married. She would have loved you.”

I inhaled slow and steady, trying to come up with a response. I never knew what to say when Jack’s wife was brought up. “I’m sure she was lovely. She’s here in spirit,” I replied before reaching out to gently squeeze my new grandfather’s arm reassuringly.

He patted me on the shoulder before looking back at my mother and new stepfather. “And you look beautiful tonight.” The compliment made me dip my head. I never did well with compliments. I didn’t really know the right way to accept them. That was my mother’s expertise. “You’re so supportive. I’m proud to have you join the family.”

“I just want her to be happy,” I admitted. It was a phrase I’d learned to use repeatedly when reporters asked how I felt about the shotgun wedding and her rumored pregnancy. Four months ago, they were just dating. Two months ago, they were engaged. Now? Mom had a rock the size of California on her hand. And as far as the pregnancy rumors? I’d found a positive test in the trash, but she hadn’t told me yet.

“It’s okay to want to be happy, too,” Jack said while leaning over and tapping me on the nose. “I’m going to talk to my buddy over there. See you later, Vera.” I inhaled his whiskey scent and nodded, like it was the appropriate thing to do, before turning my attention back to my mother.

The bride and groom’s grand exit wasn’t for another hour, according to the itinerary, and I needed to cool off in the main house for a bit before posing for the camera again. I also needed to find some lipstick.

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