Bastards and Scapegoats (Twisted Legacy Duet #1) - CoraLee June Page 0,12

were relentless. Remember that, Josie?”

Officer Anders turned to look over his shoulder at his partner. “That was insane,” she agreed while staring at a vase on the mantel. “I wasn’t an officer yet, but I remember watching it on the news.” Officer Anders and Detective Josie had stayed here for a couple of hours to take my statement and make sure that I was okay. Anders was an older man with thinning, gray hair, and he looked like he was nearing retirement. Josie was a petite woman with a snaggle tooth smile and plum lipstick.

“He was crazy. He had a gun,” I replied, still pretty shaken up. I tried calling my mother and Joseph, but it was the middle of the night where they were, and no one answered. Jack’s assistant assured me that she would have my busy grandfather call me as soon as possible.

I felt forgotten and alone.

“Saint has been harassing the Beauregard family for years. Jack has a protective order against him. We’ll find him and arrest him for breaking it.”

I nodded. “Will you leave someone here in case he comes back?” I asked while rubbing my arms.

“This neighborhood has guards patrolling the area around the clock. We’ve made them aware of the situation, and they’ll be parking outside of the house. He won’t come back, and if he does, you have our number,” Detective Josie said while handing me her card. Yeah, this was not instilling a lot of confidence in me.

“Maybe I should get a hotel for the night?” I asked. Joseph and Mom left behind some emergency cash I hadn’t touched. Maybe I just needed to… The sound of the front door opening stopped my train of thought.

“Are you expecting anyone?” Officer Anders whispered while blocking me with his body. Detective Josie drew her weapon. Who the hell was here?

“No!” I frantically whispered back. My heart was pumping chilled blood through my veins so hard that I felt like I was going to pass out. Was Saint back? I wasn’t used to being so wrapped up in the public eye—or with the dangers associated with it.

“Hello?” a familiar voice called. “Is anyone home? Why are there cops out front?”

“Fuck,” I exhaled before relaxing. “It’s Jack’s younger son,” I explained to Officer Anders and Detective Josie. I wasn’t sure why I didn’t just call Hamilton my uncle. The title still felt strange to me, probably because I couldn’t wipe the sight of him fucking Colleen from my mind.

Josie was holstering her Glock when Hamilton rounded the corner and took in the scene. He looked good, with his hair pushed back and a threadbare navy blue shirt stretched across his massive chest. There was a smudge of grease on his cheek, and a single bead of sweat rolled down his temple. “What’s going on here?”

He then eyed me, his severe expression softening some. “Vera? Are you okay?”

It felt like I’d swallowed my tongue. Officer Anders answered for me, likely assuming my silence was a result of how traumatizing the day had been for me. “Mr. Beauregard, I’m Officer Anders. We received a distress call from Vera Garner this morning. I’m sure you remember Saint Torrance?”

Hamilton huffed. “Yeah. I know the guy.” He then turned to look at me. “He bother you, Vera?”

I nodded while biting my lip. “Yeah,” I finally choked out.

“Fuck.” Hamilton turned to look at the officers. “Thank you for being here. My father is gone this week, right? Has he been made aware that Saint broke the protection order—again?”

“He’s in DC for the week,” Detective Josie confirmed. “His assistant said he will call us soon. We were just assuring Miss Garner that she has nothing to worry about.”

“I’ll stay here to make sure she’s safe. I’ve dealt with Saint before,” Hamilton replied.

A few more pleasantries were exchanged, but I simply sat on the edge of my seat, numb to the entire conversation. It wasn’t until Officer Anders was wishing me well that I realized I was alone with Hamilton.

“What are you doing here?” I asked Hamilton after he shut the front door.

He froze for a moment, as if my question surprised him. “I sometimes like to stop by if I think Dad is out of town. My mom loved it here, and his whiskey stash is pretty legit.”

That made sense. I guess if I had a fancy home at my disposal, I’d also drop in whenever I could. But why wait until his father was gone? “Well. Enjoy the house, I’m going to Copyright 2016 - 2024