Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,77

Charlie spins around, fixing a sick glare on each of us. “What the fuck is this? I’ve been asking for fucking weeks where the hell he went and you’ve all been fucking lying to me. Has he been down here the whole fucking time?”

Colton sighs and nods and within a split second, Charlie’s fist swings out and slams hard against Colton’s jaw. I suck in a sharp breath and throw myself in front of Colton. “Calm the fuck down,” I demand, giving Charlie a hard shove and forcing him back from Colton. “You have no fucking idea what’s going on. Just give us a chance to explain.”

“A chance to explain?” he scoffs. “You’ve had weeks to explain where he is. How many times did I bring it up?” He glances back at Spencer. “How many fucking times did I ask if you’d heard from him?”

“I know,” Spencer growls. “But it’s not my fucking story to tell.”

“Then whose is it?”

Spencer looks down at me and Charlie’s heavy glare follows right along. He steps into me, clenching his jaw and the hatred in his eyes puts me on edge. I’ve never seen this side of Charlie. He’s always been sweet, loving, and kind, but right now, he’s anything but. “What did you do?”

Colton reaches around me and pushes Charlie back a step. “Back the fuck off, man. Don’t talk to her like that.”

Charlie scoffs. “This chick came in and divided us from the beginning and now she’s fucking gone as far as to have you two fuckers keeping shit from me? You have Jude locked in a fucking dungeon. We don’t do that, we never have. What is so fucking bad that you didn’t trust me? What could he have done to you?”

Tears grow in my eyes but I won’t allow Charlie to keep going like this. He has to know and right now, I don’t give a shit if it means that he’ll look at me differently. His words are hurting and if my truth hurts him right the fuck back, then so be it.

I step into him, slamming my hands against his shoulders and forcing him back with a strength I didn’t know I possessed. I slam him against the wall, right beside the wine cellar door. “That friend of yours, that brother, raped me. He spiked my drink, tore my fucking dress off my body, and as I cried for help, he fucked me like I was his to destroy. That’s why that motherfucker is locked in a fucking dungeon, and the look you’re giving me right now, that’s why I didn’t say a goddamn thing.”

Colton’s hand finds my waist and he pulls me back a step, knowing I need a moment to calm down. “No,” Charlie says. “I know him. He wouldn’t do that.”

Spencer scoffs. “Come on, man. You can’t be that fucking naive. He raped that girl two years ago and she fucking disappeared.”

“He didn’t. He gave me his word.”

“Charlie, come on. You always want to see the best in people but he fucking lied to you. He hurt that girl and now she’s gone. He’s admitted it time and time again, and now he did the same to Ocean and I won’t let him get away with it.”

Charlie continues shaking his head as his horrified gaze comes back to mine. “Surely you saw the signs,” I whisper, hating that I have to open this old scar but the blank expression on his broken face has me going on. “He hated me from the beginning. He came into my room on my first night here and tried something, then the Black Widows beat him up. He cornered me on Colton’s boat to try again, he cornered me in the school pool. It was only a matter of time before he finally got to me, and the night of the Masquerade party, he did. He broke me, Charlie. He hurt me and I’m sorry that this was kept from you but I couldn’t bear the thought of you looking at me like I was used goods. You have such a sweet innocence about you and I love that because when I’m around you, I feel it. Your goodness is contagious and I needed it so damn bad. I couldn’t risk it.”

His gaze sweeps past Colton and Spencer before coming back to mine. “You told them.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t. Colton found me while Jude was … you know. I didn’t tell either of them.”

Charlie glances up at Copyright 2016 - 2024