Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,75

Bellevue Springs Academy was here and when Drix did the same, the sausage fest suddenly had an equal share of buns to go around.

Charlie and Drix haven’t stopped flirting with each other since I put the idea in their heads and now that I see it, I like it. The two of them would be perfect together. Charlie needs a strong girl like Drix to even out his bullshit. Hell, he just needs someone who could put up with him, and Drix is perfect for that. Not to mention, they’re both sexy as fuck. They’re a perfect match.

There’s nothing better than sitting back and watching two people come together and now that the idea is in my head, I’m intent on making it work between them. Charlie and Drix together would be like a sonic boom. Fucking perfect.

I lean over the kitchen counter, watching the party around us. When all the girls from BSP showed up, Cora came wandering out of her bedroom as though the party was her idea in the first place and after rolling my eyes for the hundredth time, I gave up caring. Casey can deal with her, she’s not my problem.

I pick at the grapes on the counter, watching Milo as he dances across the party. I've never seen him so energetic before and that’s saying a lot when it comes to Milo. He’s always the life of the party but now, it’s like Milo on crack. A massive weight has fallen off his shoulders and while he’s still keeping his secret from the rest of the world, around our friends, he can finally be himself and nothing will ever make me so fucking happy.

The lights are dimmed and the vibe in the room is enough to have me forgetting all the shit going on in my life. Nic who? Widows who? Except for Sebastian, of course. He somehow managed to weasel his way back in. Even though I’ll always question if I can trust anything he says to me, I’m glad to have him back in my life where he belongs.

My hips sway against the counter as I get lost in the music. Two warm hands claim my waist and their familiarity has me pressing my ass back and rubbing against the front of Colton’s pants. I feel his cock hardening against my ass as his fingers tighten on my waist.

He pulls me in until my back is flush against his wide chest and dips his head until I feel his breath tickling the sensitive skin of my neck. “Do you have any idea how fucking good you look?” he murmurs into my ear as his hand curls around the front of my bare stomach, lowering into the front of my sweatpants.

My eyes roll into the back of my head and I encourage his touch by grinding my ass against his hard cock. “We shouldn’t,” I murmur, my voice far too breathy for my own good but with the loud music and the partiers oblivious to anything going on around them, I’m all good.

His lips press down on my neck and as his tongue brushes against my skin, his hand dips lower until I feel his fingers at my clit. I suck in a desperate groan. “Just tell me to stop, Jade, and I will.”

Stop? Fuck no. That’d be a tragedy.

We stay right where we are, knowing damn well that someone would have to walk around this side of the counter to see what we’re doing. That's a risk I'm more than willing to take. After all, the lights have been dimmed and the main part of the party is hovering out around the pool. We should be good to fuck around for as long as we want, but I can’t deny that the risk of being caught has me wetter than I’ve ever been before.

I reach behind me as he pushes two thick fingers into me and drives me in-fucking-sane. My hand slips into the front of his pants and my fingers curl around his thick, veiny cock. I pump my hand up and down, rubbing my thumb over that sweet bead of moisture at his tip, wanting nothing more than to drop down to my knees and suck him dry right here for the world to see.

Actually … it’s not a bad idea at all.

I turn in his arms and the movement forces his hand out of my pants. Colton meets my eyes and confusion shadows his beautiful face until I lick Copyright 2016 - 2024