Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,68

go against Nic’s wishes just to make things right means he’d turn his back on them for me, and that’s a shitload of weight right there.

My tears fall heavier. Sebastian has always been the softie of our group but he’s always been so strong. I’ve never seen him break down like this, never seen him so damn vulnerable and it shatters every last piece of me. “I don’t hate you, Sebastian,” I murmur over the lump in my throat. “I'm just hurt. What you guys did … it hurt. It really fucking hurt.”

“Tell me what you need, O. Tell me how to make it right.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know,” I whisper. “I just want my friend back. I want to be able to trust you again. I miss you so much.”

His arms tighten around me and he holds me so damn tight that it hurts. “I’m right here, baby. I swear, anything you need, it’s yours.”

I suck in a deep breath before slowly letting it out and trying to calm my wild emotions. We sit on the side of the road for twenty minutes, just sitting in each other's arms until the pieces of my soul finally start gluing themselves back together.

I wipe my eyes on his shirt and pull back, meeting his soft, careful stare. “Do you want to stay for dinner? We can make tacos.”

A wide beaming smile spreads across his face and I watch as the weight visibly lifts off his shoulders. He presses a rough kiss to my forehead and all but shakes me with joy. “Fuck yeah,” he exclaims, practically tossing me back over to my side and hitting the gas before I have a chance to right myself in my seat. “Let’s get you home.”

We get back to the Carrington mansion in record time and I laugh at how out of place his car looks in this driveway. He barrels out of the car and instead of going through the house, I take him around the side, not wanting to risk him bumping into Colton. I only just got him back and despite Colton declaring that he’s good with the boys, there’s definitely still bad blood between them, especially now after the whole camera bullshit.

Dropping down onto the couch in the pool house, Sebastian fills me in on everything that’s been going on back home and giving me any updates on my boys. I didn’t ask for them, but deep down he knew that I needed to know every last detail.

The hours tick by and before I know it, it’s time to make dinner and just as I knew he would, Sebastian gets up to help. He drops his phone down on the counter to free up his hands and within moments, he’s by my side, screwing everything up.

His phone dings on the counter and both our gazes drop to read over the incoming text from Nic and my brows instantly shoot up in curiosity.

Nic - Antony DeCarlo just got charged alongside his brother on drug charges and manufacturing. The fucker is going away for a long time. Lorenzo must have squealed. keep your eyes out. If he cut a deal, we could be next.

“No shit,” Sebastian laughs.

“What?” I question, pretending to have absolutely no idea what's going on as though I didn’t just read over his private text.

“Fuck me,” he says, still stunned. “You know the DeCarlo brothers? They’re the fuckers who came in here and shot up this place. You know, after Nic …”

“I know the ones,” I snap.

“Yeah, well one of them got arrested a few days ago and now another brother did. I highly doubt Lorenzo squealed. They have to be going down some other way. Either way, they’re both fucked.”

A smile pulls at my lips, knowing damn well that this was Colton’s doing. There’s no if, what’s, or buts about it. Colton is a fucking genius and I have absolutely no idea how he’s pulling it off. I don’t think it really matters though, all that matters is that these fuckwits are going away, just as they deserve.

“Shouldn’t you be concerned?” I question. “Nic told me that you guys have deals with them.”

“Yeah, they won’t say anything. Nic is being too paranoid. Without us, their side businesses can’t operate and with two of the brothers being locked up, it’d be too risky to start making changes now. We’re good.”

“Clearly the cops are good too if they’ve got two brothers. What's to stop them from digging a little Copyright 2016 - 2024