Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,4

would have killed him and in the process, I would have killed what little of myself still exists.

I turn on the tap and frantically scrub the blood from my hands. The water runs red, splashing up over the sink and onto the vanity, only making me panic that much more. If someone was to walk in and see this mess ... If mom was to walk in ... Fuck. I'd be ruined.

What have I done?

Blood stains under my nails and I struggle to get it out, squirting soap into my hand and scrubbing at my nails over and over again until the blood finally disappears. I wash up my arms and then try to clean my face but the water never runs clean. It's red. Always red.

I step away from the sink and find it covered in Jude's blood from my clothes. Panic surges through me. What am I going to do? It won't go away. It's like a constant reminder of what I nearly did. Who am I?

I tear my shirt over my head and dump it into the bathtub before following it up with my jeans and underwear. I have to get rid of it. If there's anything I've learned from spending the last however many years with the Widows on my doorstep was to always get rid of the evidence. No. Matter. What.

I frantically search through the cupboards and after finding a small box of matches, I turn back to the bathtub. Is this shit even going to light after being soaked in blood? The flames will probably just sizzle out, but I have to try.

I climb up onto the edge of the bathtub and reach the window above. I slide it wide—not wanting to smoke out the bathroom—and drop back onto the marble floor. I look down at the destroyed clothes that hold my darkest secret and lean over it.

I let out a shaky breath and light them up as I struggle to hold back my sobs. I grab a few of the small white hand towels from the cupboard and throw them onto the fire, encouraging it to burn quicker, then stand back and watch as the sobs threaten to suffocate me.

Keeping my eye on the fire, I step into the shower and turn on the taps as hard as they will go. I stand under the scalding water and scrub myself. Once. Twice. Three times.

I do it again and again until the water at the bottom of the shower finally runs clean and all physical traces of what I did to Jude are gone.

How did I become this? I've said for weeks that if I was to find Jude that I'd end him, but never in a million years did I think I had the ability to take it that far.

What is Colton going to think of me now? What he walked in on ... that couldn't have been easy. It would have been the same as me standing back in that warehouse and watching as Nic ended those men's lives. They deserved it completely, just as Jude did, but it doesn't make it any less wrong.

I lowered myself to their standards. I should have fought like a hero, but instead, I fought like a villain. I tortured him; I stabbed him with a broken wine bottle. I kicked him while he was already down. Where's the honor in that? Where's the courage? Where's the fucking humanity?

I should have called the police. I should have had him arrested and taken away. Fuck, what good would that have done? Colton would have ended up in trouble and I refuse to allow that to happen. Colton deserves the chance to explain himself just as Nic and the boys had, and fuck, I'm hoping that what he has to say isn't going to kill me the way the boys did. I can't lose Colton too.

I fall back against the cold tiles of the shower and sink down to the ground. My arms wrap around my knees and I hold myself in a tight ball, wishing I could somehow go back and walk out of the wine cellar without laying a hand on him.

I've always thought that having the courage to deal with your problems meant being ready to end someone. But there is no strength in murder. I was wrong ... Nic is wrong. The fucking boys are wrong. Ending someone like that, that's weak. That's taking the easy way out. An eye for an eye.

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