Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,27

myself as I get my feet up on his shoulders and do my best to open the cupboard. “Fuck me,” he grunts. “You’re not as light as you look.”

I scoff under my breath. “Maybe you just don’t log enough hours in the gym like Colton does. That man can throw me around with one hand and you’re here struggling while I do all the hard work.”

Spencer ignores my jab and shoves his hands up against my ass before giving me a hard shove and sending me soaring into the back of the cupboard. A sharp laugh tears out of me as I slam into the back wall and try to adjust myself into a little ball so the cupboard doors can be closed. “Holy shit, dude. I think I just put a hole in the wall with my head.”

“Hope it hurt.”

“I hope your face hurts.”

“I hope your brain hurts.”

I scoff. “I know yours does.”

Spencer sneers at me before reaching up and closing me into the cupboard. “I wonder if there’s a padlock around here somewhere. It would be nice not having to see your ratchet face every day.”

“Lock me in here, Spencer, and I swear, I’m going to fuck your dad and become your new stepmom then change the wifi password and send you to your room.”

He chuckles under his breath before going a little too quiet. “Yo,” I hear Colton saying while listening as his footsteps grow deeper into the kitchen. “Where’s Ocean? I could have sworn she just said she was in here?”

“Don’t know, man,” Spencer says. “I just walked in. You must have just missed her.”

There’s a soft sigh before I hear the sound of my ice cream tub being scooped off the counter and I curse myself for not bringing it with me. “Did you check on Jude?” Colton asks, his voice becoming louder as he moves closer to the fridge.

“Yeah, the fucker will be fine, but he ain’t eating. I think he’s going to try and starve himself.”

“Fine by me,” Colton grumbles. “That’d be one less thing to worry about.”

“You’re telling me. I heard starvation is a painful way to go. If that’s what he wants to do, then he can be my guest. But it might not have to get that far, not if your girl gets her hands on him again.”

“Yeah,” Colton says, his voice thick with emotion. “She did a fucking number on him.”

‘“She did more than just a number on him. She’s a fucking savage.”

“You should have seen it, bro. She was fucking going for it. Had I not walked in … I don’t know. I don't want that for her but if it comes down to it and we have to finish him, it’ll be me. I don’t want that shit on either of your shoulders. She’s too fucking good for that.”

Well, shit. This just got heavy.

Spencer laughs. “I mean, she’s not bad, but she’s nothing special.”

“Dude, you told me just last night that you think she’s fucking awesome.”

Spencer coughs and I roll my eyes. “Nah, you must have been hearing shit. I definitely didn’t say that.”

Colton groans and I hear him walking through the kitchen, tearing open the cupboard doors. “She’s in here, isn’t she?”

I can’t help the snicker that comes bubbling up my throat and just as he steps in front of the fridge, I throw the cupboard doors open. “SURPRISE, BITCHES!”

Not having expected me to be up so high, Colton’s eyes bug out of his head and as I laugh and go to reach for him, I underestimate the momentum I had from throwing the doors open and topple right out.

A loud screech comes tearing out of me as I fall face first, panicking as the marble floor rapidly comes closer and closer to my face. My arms and legs flail about but Colton’s quick reflexes have his arms snapping around my waist and catching me just mere moments before my face becomes a jumbled mess and I’m left with no choice but to beg Laurelle for her plastic surgeon’s phone number.

“Fuck, Jade. What the hell are you doing?” Colton gasps, looking down at me with wide eyes.

I glance up at him and give him a pathetic smile. “Whoops,” I say, swallowing back the fear and doing my best to recover from the sheer panic that tore through my chest.

Colton shakes his head, far too amused by my idiocy to remember to help me to my feet until I start squirming around in his arms. He gets Copyright 2016 - 2024