Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,16

but not without the stares of my fellow peers, but they’re not the stares that Casey and Cora were hoping I’d get.

Just as I’d suspected, the devil twins have gotten here early to spread the word that there’s a war brewing. But the girls at BSP aren’t looking at me as though I’m the enemy, they’re watching me with excitement, with power, knowing damn well that if anyone was going to take them down, it’s going to be me. If they aren’t looking at me like that, then they’re sitting back to watch the show, because I can guarantee that the Carrington twins going up against their brother’s girlfriend will be the talk of the town.

This is the kind of shit that reality TV shows are made of. I should be checking out all these girls and figuring out which one has a daddy in entertainment law. I bet this could make me as big as a Kardashian. I wonder what kind of paycheck goes along with that?

The locker beside mine closes with a loud bang and I jump, whipping my head around to find Hendrix staring back at me with a wide grin. “Oh, girl. What kind of shit have you gone and got yourself involved in now? The rumors going around about you … dammmmn.”

I close my locker and let out a frustrated sigh. “Let’s hear it,” I tell her, falling against the cool metal of my locker. “What are the devil spawns saying about me?”

Chapter 5

By the time lunch rolls around, I’ve created a mental list of all the things being said about me and I have to give it to the devil twins, they’re creative. But so far, their little lies aren’t enough to have the student body believing a word they say. They're at least twenty different rumors going around, and every single one of them is just a little too dramatic. Eyes seem to roll when a new rumor pops up, everyone knows it's just a little more fuel on the fire.

There’s the usual ‘she’s pregnant’ rumors, the ‘she’s transexual’ ones that come from being enrolled in BSA for my first few weeks in Bellevue Springs, then of course, the obvious ‘she’s fucking Colton to get ahead in life’ rumors.

None of them hold any merit and as the girls at this school have gotten to know me over the past few weeks, they’ve come to learn this shit isn’t enough to faze me. All of it is too obvious, too much too soon.

The bitches only just arrived back at the school and within seconds, rumors are flying like announcements being made. If they wanted to make it believable, they should have waited a few days and then spread it like Chinese whispers so the gossipy girls would take their word for it. Instead, they just look like a bunch of bitches, annoyed that their big brother’s attention is somewhere else. Besides, the girls of this school would rather hang onto me with my connection to Colton than be on the side that’s so clearly against him.

I drop into my seat in the cafeteria and take a bite of my sandwich as Drix drops down beside me. “Girl,” she laughs. “Have you heard the latest rumor?”

I groan and roll my eyes before glancing over at her. “Is this one actually worth mentioning or is it some stupid shit about being abused as a child?”

“Oh no, nothing like that,” she tells me. “They’re starting to get a little more creative.”

“Oh, yeah?” I question, actually intrigued for once.

Drix nods. “Yeah, so the word is that you were booted out of BSA because you were having an affair with that PE teacher that got arrested.”

“Hmm,” I say, thoughtful, trying not to gag at the thought of getting with that predator. “That one’s got a little bit of merit. It’s certainly more entertaining than the pregnant one and would leave someone wondering. I give it a solid six out of ten. Though, they would have earned extra points if they combined the pregnant rumor with that one. Now that’s a scandal that would have got the student body talking, but in reality, they’re only doing me a favor by highlighting the very real issues within that school.”

“Right?” she laughs. “They really haven’t thought this one through. But I’m not done yet. It gets a little juicier.”

I wave my hand out, inviting her to continue. “Then what are you waiting for? Hit me with it.”

Hendrix laughs, knowing all too well Copyright 2016 - 2024