Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,13

That’s a dark road, one I’ll never come back from.

“It’s wounded,” he says. “But it’s going to be okay.”

A weight lifts off my shoulders and for the first time since running out of that stupid little dungeon, I feel myself able to take a deep breath. Is what I did okay? No, not by a long shot but can I live with the fact that all I did was hurt him? Hell yes, I can.

I let out a shaky breath, not really knowing what to say but as I glance back up at Colton to find his lips pulling into an encouraging smile, my world finally begins to fall back into place. “There’s my girl,” he murmurs from the top of the stairs. “I’d thought I’d lost you for a while.”

His eyes are warm and fuck, I’ve never seen them so full of love. Just like that I know that no matter the outcome of what happened to Jude, Colton wouldn’t have looked at me any differently, and honestly, I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or not. But for now, it’s so much more than I could have asked for.

I smile up at him. “Is it wrong that I kinda want to celebrate? I mean, that’s kinda twisted, right?”

“So fucking twisted,” he laughs before spreading his arms wide. “My offer still stands though. If you want to stay here, I’m more than happy to spend the day helping you celebrate.”

I roll my eyes and walk down a few more stairs before glancing back over my shoulder. “I told your stubborn ass already, I’m going to school to play damage control from your sisters and there’s no changing my mind.”

“Have it your way,” he says darkly. “But just know, my offer won’t last all day.”

“Bullshit,” I grumble, skimming over the fact that he didn’t call me out on my comment about his sisters, and didn't even try to deny it. We both know it’s going to happen so there’s no point pretending that it won’t. Though, the fact that he also didn’t warn me to play fair also speaks volumes. “You and I both know that you’re going to spend your day thinking of all the ways you can torture me for turning you down and when I finally get home from school this afternoon, you’re going to be more than ready to go.”

Colton scoffs and takes a step back toward the open front door. “Get your ass to school, Jade.”

His lips pull into an affectionate smile and for the first time since that stupid dungeon, I feel myself actually giving a real smile, not the fake one I’ve offered everyone else, but a full-on, beaming one that comes straight from my heart. “I’ll see you later.”

Colton winks and with that, turns on his heel and stalks back inside his overgrown mansion. I look down at Milo and find my pace picking up, suddenly feeling a million times better. I have a renewed energy to help me through the day and I’m sure as hell going to need it.

“What the hell was that about?” Milo asks through his now open window when I finally reach the bottom step.

I skip around to the passenger’s seat and pull open the door. “Oh, nothing,” I say, glancing away and refusing to meet his eyes. Knowing he’s too curious for his own good, I give him a shitty explanation, one that I hope he won’t question. “I went for a drive last night and accidentally hit a stray. Colton checked in with the vet this morning and it looks like the dog is going to make it.”

“Oh, that’s a relief,” he says, putting his Aston Martin in gear and hitting the gas just as my door slams behind me. I hardly click my seatbelt into place before we’re halfway down the drive and my back is crashing into the soft leather of the passenger seat.

“You’ve got no idea,” I tell him.

He reaches down between us and hits a few buttons, rolling the windows down and blasting music through the car. "You're in a good mood this morning," I comment, finding his steering wheel drum solo and carefree attitude refreshing after the bullshit weekend I've suffered through.

Milo shrugs his shoulders and glances over at me for the shortest second but it’s enough to see the sparkle hitting his eyes. “Out with it,” I tell him. “What happened?”

His lips press into a tight line and I watch his inner battle to keep his mouth shut Copyright 2016 - 2024