Barbie Btch (Rejects Paradise #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,113

actually speak. “Did you really mean what you said? You think that lowly of me?”

“I’m not here to parent you, Cora, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Yes, I think you’re a spoiled brat with a shitty attitude and my first instinct is to send you back with Mom. I don't want your fucking drama.”

She looks away, and for the first time I see a true emotion come out of her. “I don’t want to go,” she whispers so low that I have to strain to hear her.

Colton takes a step back, crossing his arms over his wide chest and studying his sisters. “Okay,” he finally says. “You can stay, but there are conditions.”

“Like?” Cora questions cautiously.

“Take one guess.”

Her eyes flick to me before going back to Colton. “No, don’t make me do it.”

“Then don’t stay,” he says simply. “Ocean is my girlfriend and I plan on keeping her around for a long fucking time and if you can’t get on board with that then you can fuck off to whoever the fuck knows where with mom. I’m not having your hostility in my house. If you’re here, you’re chill. Make things right with her. I don't give a shit if you're besties or not, but there won’t be bad blood between you. Got it?”

Cora looks back to me while Casey appears to be shitting herself, knowing her fate lies in the hands of her bratty twin sister. Cora slides her gaze back to her brother before letting out a sigh. “Fine,” she says. “I’ll clear the air.”

“All the bullshit ends,” he says.


“Or else, Cora. You’ll be out before you even know what’s happening. Got it?”

“Yeah, yeah. I got it. Anything else, oh wise one?”

“Your attitude fucking stinks,” he tells her. “If you're here, I want you to be an active member of this household. You’re not just coming home, sleeping, and then leaving. You’re going to help plan the parties, clean up after yourself, and be a pleasant person to be around. Those are my rules.”

Cora and Casey look between themselves and I see the clear begging in Casey’s eyes, desperately wanting this to work out. “Okay,” Cora says. “I’ll make an effort around the house.”

Colton looks at Casey expectantly.

“Yep, me too. I’m all in,” she tells him.

Colton finally sighs and drops his arms from across his chest. “Fine,” he says. “You can stay but you’re dealing with the storm Mom cooks up over it. I want nothing to do with it.”

Casey runs full steam ahead, bolting into his chest and wrapping her arms tightly around him. “You won’t regret it,” she tells him on the verge of tears. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Colton laughs and for just a brief second, he squeezes his sister, overwhelmed with joy to finally have her back in his life. As for Cora, that's a work in progress.

Chapter 27


What the fuck am I doing here?

I should turn and walk away but the second Harrison stepped into my office and told me that Marco DeCarlo was back in the city, I had no choice. I had to make this right.

Mom was gone after raining down hell over me and the twins. Realizing that they didn’t want anything to do with her didn’t sit well and naturally, she blamed that bullshit on me, but just as the girls promised, they stepped up and handled their shit. And just as I promised, I stepped up and handled mine.

After an hour of screaming through my home, I had her escorted from the premises with cuffs tightly bound around her wrists and cops at her back. The press was in full force and all afternoon, footage of Mom has been splashed across every news outlet in the country.

I’m not usually one to allow my family bullshit to get out like that, but taking down that woman needed to be done with the eyes of the world on her. She’s too good at hiding behind her precious reputation, but fuck it. I blew that shit right out of the water today and now the world will know exactly who she is. Her reputation be damned. She’s nothing but a gold-digging bitch anyways. What kind of woman blows through that much cash and then goes after her children’s? I didn’t think it was physically possible but Laurelle Carrington has been proving me wrong since the day I was born.

Crouching by the window of the shitty warehouse that Marco DeCarlo has been calling home for the last two years, I Copyright 2016 - 2024