The Banshee's Revenge - By Victoria Richards Page 0,35

could hear them, too. Arwan is here, the god of the Underworld.

"Well, not the main god as I was recently reminded," he chuckled and a thrill rippled through Death.

He had heard her thought!

Perhaps there was a new ally here…

"I know you," Jacqueline turned to look at him. "You were in my dream."

"I'm in a lot of women's dreams." Arwan gave her an impish smile. "But I'd love to hear more about yours."

"The bar is closed," Angela called out, her voice frosty with anger. "The owner doesn't have afternoon hours here."

"You are not the owner then?" Arwan gave the red head a smile that brought most women to their knees. "I'd love to get to know you better."

"I think you should leave," Angela said. "My boyfriend will be here any minute. He's the kind who doesn't take kindly to men who pester women."

Jacqueline made a derisive noise at the word boyfriend and Angela's face turned red.

Arwan just smiled.

"I'm her to talk to Jacqueline. Nothing more."

"Then talk quickly," Jacqueline said. "It's Arwan, right?"

"I'm pleased you remember after our brief encounter. I enjoyed our time together thoroughly." Arwan grinned. "I trust it brought you some pleasure, too."

Death could feel the anxiety in Jacqueline. Was this to be the opportunity she'd been waiting for? Was there some way to use Arwan's help to get the necklace off Jacqueline?

Patience, little one. Arwan's thought drifted to Death, loud and clear, but there was no indication Jacqueline heard them. I feel your worries. Everything is going to be taken care of.

Outwardly, Arwan said, "My dear banshee, I've come to see what I can do to help get you back on track. As a ruler of the Underworld, it's been brought to my attention that many souls in your care are not being sent to me. I've also heard that you are ripping souls from those whose time has not yet come."

"That's not true!" Angela spoke up. "I just saw her take that guy's soul to the other side."

They all turned to look at Daniel, whose body laid on one of the pool tables where Angela had managed to lift it.

"Excellent," Arwan said brightly. "Now when will you get started on the others?"

"As soon as I'm able." Jacqueline touched her stomach. "I have other issues going on right now."

"So I see. Well, reaping this man's soul is a start. I suppose Hades will be happy with that." Arwan eyed the charm around Jacqueline's neck. "Where did you get that lovely thing?"

But Death heard the mental thought he sent her way.

This is your moment, Death. Pay attention now. Assist me in knowing her thoughts.

Curious, Death listened closely, wondering what Arwan had in mind.

"It's a charm." Jacqueline's fingers strayed to the object, fingering it nervously. "Someone gave it to me as a present. Did you just say Hades?"

"He's the overseer of the Underworld. We all have our bosses." Arwan gave her a patronizing smile. "But back to your charm. Why would a powerful creature such as you need to wear it?"

"As I said, it was a gift."

"It's Morrigan's Kiss, designed to protect and smother a person's power."

"What do you mean?"

"The charm dims whatever powers you have, making you much more manageable. Of course, I'm sure you realized that. Have you been feeling a little different since you put it on?"

"She's been acting normal again," Angela said. "I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. Right, Jacqueline?"

"I suppose it's for the best." Arwan shrugged. "You were out of control from what I hear. Now you can get back to doing your job and let that revenge nonsense go. A banshee isn't supposed to have such strong emotions anyway. Your work will keep you busy. It's a good thing you've made arrangements for the baby and haven't developed a bond with it."

"What are you talking about?" Jacqueline asked.

Death felt a twinge of pain go through her host's body, though Jacqueline didn't outwardly show it. The baby was starting to move.

"Don't tell me you've allowed yourself to become attached to the child? Creatures like you aren't meant to have offspring." Arwan gave her a worried look. "You did make a deal with Morrigan right?"

"No. The baby's father did."

"I see." Arwan turned away from Jacqueline, shaking his head, but making sure she'd seen his surprised reaction. "That's too bad."

"Why? What does Morrigan want?"

"Your child, of course. Morrigan needs a magical child, and hell, she probably needs one badly at her age."

"I don’t understand." Jacqueline touched her stomach protectively, her face going pale. "You Copyright 2016 - 2024