The Banshee's Revenge - By Victoria Richards Page 0,17

a sight. Gabe thought he'd never seen anyone more beautiful, more tempting, and more arousing.

In that moment, he knew he couldn't wait any longer.

With a ferocity that made her moan in anticipation, he ripped the panties off and positioned himself above her.

They stared into each other's eyes, the moment stretching delicately before them. He was so afraid he might see an objection on her face, but there was only desire and need there.

"Go on," she whispered. "I want you."

"I don't want to hurt you."

It pleased him that she saw past the literal meaning of the words and pressed a hand to his face, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"My heart is my own, Gabe. You can't hurt me."

He kissed her and eased inside her.

"Oh, Gabe," she sighed with abandonment. "I've been waiting for this forever."

They moved against one another, their bodies a perfect fit. He lost all rational thought, could only concentrate on filling the depths of her, of filling his need of her. Her hands gripped his back, urging him on while her legs wrapped around him as she thrust her hips to meet his. Her muscles twitched around his cock, pulling him deeper.

As they found release in one another's arms and the heat of their hearts pounded between them, Gabe realized he now had a problem.

He didn't want it to end--ever. He didn't want her to forget this moment.

Even if it meant defying his father.

Chapter 6

A little part of Jacqueline understood she was dreaming of Ireland and would eventually wake up. But it was such a lovely dream. So full of things she still desired. Waking up seemed a foolish move.

In the dream, she lay on the warm grass of the greenest cliffs she'd ever seen. From below the edge of the cliff came the restful sounds of crashing waves. The scent of honeysuckle perfumed the air as she watched the white clouds roll by in the blue sky above her.

Relaxed and at peace, Jacqueline could have lain in that spot forever. Time could have stopped in that slice of Irish paradise, and she would have been content to let it. The real world held nothing but coldness and rage. Once awake, she never could seem to feel anything but those two emotions.

"There you are my child."

She turned her head to find a man standing a few yards away. Tall with a regal stance, the sun shone off his bald head. His brown eyes were guarded, but the soft smile on his face was familiar.

"Who are you?" She pushed herself up so that her elbows supported her, but made no effort to stand. "What do you want? This is my dream."

"I've come to see you, and this dream is the only way I can do it safely, though I've watched you from afar for years." The man moved towards her. "You've grown into a beautiful woman, Jacqueline."

"How do you know my name?"

"How could any father not know the name of their own child?"

"Father?" Shocked, Jacqueline sat up, staring at the man who knelt next to her. She wanted to deny it, but there was something about his eyes, something about the way they looked--so full of kindness and love--that made her hesitate. "You can't be my father."

"Oh, but I am." The man laughed and reached out to touch a tendril of her hair. "I had hoped never to bother you, but Fate always has the last laugh. Due to certain events, I felt I must at least step forward and introduce myself."

"I'm adopted. My biological mother was killed in a car wreck. At least that's what my adopted mom told me." Jacqueline frowned. "But whenever I try to talk to her about this stuff she gets nervous, secretive."

"I knew I picked the right woman. She is following my instructions just as I laid them out all those years ago." Her father sat next to her as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "In fact, all of my wishes for you were coming true. I'd made sure to send you the right husband, a man who came from a long line of guardian wizards to protect you from the evils of this world. But like I said, Fate always has the last laugh. How was I to know that Eric Huston would become embroiled in a wizard family war with the Sparks?"

"You sent Eric to me? Who are you exactly?" Jacqueline stared at the man next to her. "You must be a wizard if Copyright 2016 - 2024