Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,96

so. This is just a temporary glitch.”

“You’ll be a wanted felon,” I said, my head still swimming.

“Yeah, but I’ll get a new identity and move on from there. It’s not as difficult as you’d think.” He sat comfortably as his people worked around him. “I can still do business with the Lordes but will have to do it from my secondary location. It’s too bad. I like this campground and the other location needs a lot of work. Hence, the payment I’ll get from Devlin today.”

I turned toward him, which put my butt closer to my door. “Do you think Aiden will be okay with this? That he’ll still do business with you after you’ve given me a concussion?”

Pucci’s lip twisted with what actually looked like sympathy. “Oh, he’ll be pissed, I know. But Devlin isn’t going to lose millions because I’ve given you a little bump on your head.” He leaned in. “Two bumps. Get over yourself.”

That was fair. I ground the heels of my palms into both of my eyes, not caring if I smeared my mascara. “Considering you’ve brought me here, what’s the business about? You’ve already kidnapped me, so it’s not like I won’t have worse things to say about you, and you’ll have a new identity, so talk.” This was assuming he wasn’t planning to shoot me and dump my body in one of the abandoned cabins.

He chuckled. “You really are a curious one, aren’t you? You know about cats.”

“So I’ve heard,” I said wearily, my whole body starting to ache. It was amazing what a blow to the head could do to the entire central nervous system.

He looked around. “We smuggle converter sets into the states and alter Glocks into automatic weapons. We also manufacture and distribute illegal weapons, and we’re not picky who we sell them to. It’s kinda illegal.” He laughed at his own joke. “But very lucrative.”

I shook my head and instantly regretted it as streaks of pain slashed behind my eyeballs. “The Lordes had a distribution system in place for drugs and were busted. Is the system still in place?”

“Somewhat but it’s been modified,” he said, then laughing at yet another joke. “We modify things. For now, the Lordes are involved as the investors because they had a whole boatload of cash the cops didn’t find when they were busted for drugs. They also provide a good share of protection to us and the entire organization.” He looked at me. “Aiden isn’t who you think he is. If we need somebody to disappear, he’s the one I call.”

Right now, I needed to disappear. I’d deal with Aiden and my feelings for him later.

Pucci’s phone buzzed and he lifted it to his ear. “Pucci.” Then he glanced at me. “Are you sure about that? I may have somebody here at the camp who’d disagree. She put up a struggle, but it didn’t last long.” He handed over the phone.

“Hello?” I asked, already knowing who was probably there.

Quiet reined for a heartbeat. “Angel. Are you all right?” Aiden’s voice was soothing and low.

“Not really,” I admitted.

“How bad are you hurt?” The thread of calm command remained in place.

I couldn’t stand him being nice right now. “Possible concussion and definite broken heart. I’m going to take you down, Devlin.”

“It’s a date. Give the phone back to Pucci.”

I did so and then turned to eye the best route of escape. Probably along the river with the heavy underbrush. If I could get across it, they’d have a harder time tracking me.

“I want half the money for half of the shipment,” Pucci was saying. “When I get set up again, we can continue.” He looked at me. “Jesus, Devlin. She’s fine. I won’t hurt her so long as you bring what I want. We’re good business partners and I don’t want to ruin that. I just had to keep her from notifying the cops that I was going to run, and I also knew she’d be decent incentive for you in case you decided to cut bait here. This is a good business, and we can get through this.”

I opened the glovebox in one smooth move, and papers fell out. No gun. I sighed.

Pucci looked at the papers. “In fact, I kind of like her. She has a lot more guts to her than that bitch I was dating. I’m gonna have to find somebody to replace her pretty fast.”

I leaned back against the door again, ready to kick for his face if necessary.

Pucci rolled Copyright 2016 - 2024