Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,63

it comes to dating. I learned a long time ago to stay out of the way unless she asks me to step in.” He shrugged. “Besides, what do I know about dating? I choose the wrong woman every time. Believe me. I’m trying to break that habit, but it’s difficult.”

My ears perked up. “Really? Tell me more.”

“No.” He finished off the chicken dish. Then he kicked back in his seat. “How long do we just watch?”

That was a good question. “I’m kind of interested if Saber stays when the other two leave. If he’s dating Kelsey, it might be a way in to get information, considering he works for Aiden.” That was if Aiden cooperated with me, of course.

Clark shut his eyes. “Fine. Wake me when something happens.” Then, in less than a minute, he fell asleep. His breathing was even, and his body relaxed.

It was impressive. It usually took me forever to go to sleep.

I settled back and let my mind drift to the case, to Aiden, and to a couple of other cases I had coming up. One might go to trial, and it’d be my first real trial.

Motorcycle pipes down the street jerked me awake, and it took a second to remember I was in my car. It was dark and quiet, save for the pipes.

Clarke sat up and rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?”

I glanced down at my phone. “It’s around eleven. We fell asleep.”

He cocked his head to see better as everyone drove away from the curb. “Looks interesting.”

I started my car. Krissy drove her BMW, Rich his bike, and Saber drove his bike with Kelsey on the back. “Looks like they are dating.” There was something about a woman on a man’s bike in motorcycle clubs, but I’d never paid much attention. I waited until they’d all turned around and drove off before slowly following.

Clark grinned. “This is kind of fun.”

“Yeah. They’re probably just going for a drink or to get dessert or something,” I said. But if so, why was Krissy in her car and not on the back of Rich’s bike?

The moon provided enough light for me to follow them at a distance, and when they turned down the long and private road to the funeral home, I turned off my headlights.

Clark shook his head. “This is so not a good idea.”

“I know,” I whispered, leaning over the steering wheel. “Though the big question is, why are they going to a funeral home after dark?”

“Something kinky?” Clark muttered. “Or illegal. Or maybe they just left something at work.”

“Something all four of them have to go and pick up?” I didn’t think so. I pulled off the road onto a grassy area and then drove as close to the trees as I could. “We need to go on foot from here. They’ll notice the car.”

Clark blew out air and stepped out of my car. “This is such a bad idea. We’re trespassing.”

I quietly exited the car and shut the door. “Don’t you want to know what’s going on?”

He looked at me over the convertible, and his eyes glowed in the moonlight. “Yeah. Doesn’t make it right, though.” He hesitated. “Isn’t this place also a crematorium?”

I gulped. “Yeah.” They couldn’t be burning bodies at night, could they? Dread and a terrible anticipation twirled through me as I walked out to the long driveway and headed toward the sprawling building. Crickets chirped around us and in the far distance, a coyote howled.

Clark kept pace next to me. “What’s our plan here?”

“Not sure yet,” I said, edging close to the building, which was quiet. Lights went on toward the back. “This way.” I hurried around the side, but the windows were fairly well protected with a shield of crimson pigmy all around the perimeter. The prickly and painful bush provided an excellent barrier to anybody trying to get close to the windows. “Shoot.”

Clark eyed the brambles. “Huh. I’ve never seen plants used as home security. That’s brilliant.”

“That’s Idaho,” I agreed. “You should see the bushes my dad planted around our entire house once we were old enough to sneak out at night. There was no way.”

Clark kept away from the bushes. “What now?”

The sound of a truck rumbled up the long drive. I froze for a second. “Um, hide.” I ran for the trees on the side of the building, and Clark hurried after me. We reached the grove and ducked down, watching as the truck drove around the other side to the parking lot.

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