Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,6

it wouldn’t hurt to be careful right now.

Not that I was doing anything wrong.

Well, not really.

Once I crossed to the second floor where detectives were mainly holed up in their offices, I strode briskly down the hallway to the interrogation rooms. The light for the second one was on above the door, so I whisked around the corner and entered the darkened surveillance room, shutting the door quietly. Then, for some bizarre reason I didn’t want to explore, I tiptoed up to the two-way mirror to see Aiden facing me with Pierce across the table from him.

Pierce’s shoulders looked tense, and Aiden’s expression looked bored.

Oh, this was so not good.

I held my breath, leaning over to engage the speaker system.

“Those are nice bruises on your knuckles,” Pierce was saying, his tone congenial.

“Thanks,” Aiden said, sprawled lazily in his chair. Apparently the police had confiscated his clothing because he now wore an ECSO, Elk County Sheriff’s Office, black shirt that stretched tightly across his spectacular chest. One I had spent hours exploring with my hands and mouth only a couple of weeks ago. He stretched out his right hand, and the knuckles had already turned a painful looking purple.

Pierce tapped a closed case file on the smooth metal table between them. “Once I get the lab results back on Danny Pucci, what are the chances your DNA is found on his body? Say in those bruises around his eyes?”

Aiden lifted one shoulder. “Chances and odds aren’t my thing.”

I shifted my weight, my heart thundering.

Aiden’s gaze flicked from Pierce to directly at me, the blue of his eyes sharp. Oh, there was no way he could see me through the mirror, and no way he could hear me. He did not know I was there.

His lips tugged in a smile.

How did he do that?

I made myself exhale and breathe normally so I didn’t just pass out right then and there.

Pierce leaned toward Aiden, his blond hair looking more ruffled and shaggier than usual. “I had a nice long talk with Tessa Albertini.”

“Did you now?” Aiden drawled, his attention returning to Pierce.

What was it about the bad-boy Irishman that got to me? His hair was black and a bit too long, his eyes sharp and way too blue, and his body one that had been sculpted with a devastating attention with too much muscled detail. In other words, he was just too…everything.

And the fact that he’d saved my life when we had been kids would never leave me alone. No matter what happened, he would always have a place in my heart—and that was before we’d slept together, and I’d learned that those romance novels that promised multiple orgasms were actually based on fact and not fantasy.

Who knew? Now I did, and I didn’t want the fun to end.

But murder had a way of changing things, now didn’t it? I sighed.

Aiden’s lips twitched again as if we were on the same wavelength.

How did he do that?

Pierce slapped his hand on the file. “Like I was saying, I talked to Tessa Albertini, and she said you shot Pucci. That she walked in right after you shot him.”

Aiden lifted one dark eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yeah,” Pierce said, satisfaction thick in his tone.

I shook my head. Pierce had told me that Tessa hadn’t said a word, so he was trying to trick Aiden. Or get Aiden to say that Tess shot Danny. Turning two people against each other was an old police interrogation tactic, and Pierce could tell any lie he wanted.

Somehow, I figured Aiden already knew this. This wasn’t his first arrest—not by a long shot. Although, after our last escapade, when he’d saved my life again, after I’d saved his, he’d promised he was one of the good guys. Since that moment, I’d had plenty of fantasies starring him as an undercover FBI agent, but we’d checked out the FBI, DEA, and DHS, and Aiden Devlin didn’t work for any of them.

I stood closer to the glass, taking in his fallen Angel-like appearance. Just who was he?

“Devlin?” Pierce prodded.

Aiden flattened his injured hand on the cool metal table. “If Tessa walked in and saw me shoot the dead guy, how did she get the gun from me?” He leaned toward Pierce this time, his gaze intense. “The Albertini women are a tough bunch, a stubborn bunch, but even the tallest is half my size. You think Tess took the gun from me?”

“Are you confessing?” Pierce shot back.

“Nope,” Aiden said easily. “Just following your line of bullshit Copyright 2016 - 2024