Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,53

absently. “Hello.”

“Hi, Angel. Sorry I didn’t call earlier. It’s been a day,” Aiden said.

The sound of his voice warmed me to my slightly sunburnt toes. “No kidding. I’m on leave apparently.” I leaned back against the washing machine.

He was quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry about that?”

Well, at least he’d phrased it as a question. I grinned. “It does give me more time to help you and Tessa out of this murder charge.”

His sigh was long suffering. “I have a few things I need to do but can be over about ten tonight if you want some company.”

“Sure.” I nearly bit through my tongue to keep from asking what he had to do and what he knew about the militia training group, but I’d learned before that Aiden would get himself shot before he brought danger to my door. I needed to find out all I could before I asked him about Rich. “I’m going to cook spaghetti and will save you some if you’re hungry later.”

“Thanks, baby.” He hung up.

Baby? He’d called me that before, and it sounded sexy in his deep voice. But should I like it? Was it sweet or chauvinistic? From the curling of my toes and the warming of my private areas, I guessed my body thought it was sweet. All right. Sweet worked for me.

I kept staring at my murder board and then pinned one more picture in the far right corner. I’d searched for it on the Internet and took the profile picture from Jolene O’Sullivan’s Facebook page. Oh, I didn’t think she was involved with any of this, but I still wanted to keep her in mind.

Just in case I found a potato gun.

Chapter 19

A knock on my door at midnight had me stumbling out of bed to open it for Aiden.

“Sorry I’m late,” he said, heat from the night washing in with him.

I blinked, my body awakening at the sight of the shadow covering his bad-boy jaw. “Are you hungry?” I mumbled.

“Yes.” He stepped into me, easily lifting me and kicking the door shut. His head swooped down, and he kissed me, striding toward the bedroom.

Fire lashed through me, strong and unexpected as I kissed him back, my thighs clamping to his hips. I wore a light tank-top with matching shorts, and somehow the top flew over my head while he was still kissing me. Then he dropped me on my bed, and his shirt careened through the air.

He leaned over me, his mouth finding mine. Firm and deep, he kissed me. God, I loved how he kissed.

My shorts and panties were quickly gone, and he kissed his way down the center of my body. I had the quick thought that he was really good at this and then I quit thinking completely as his mouth found right where I ached for him.

After two orgasms where I’m pretty sure I felt the entire galaxy tip, he levered over me after putting on a condom. “Remind me to get another box of these,” he murmured, sliding inside me and having to go slow to let my body take him. Yeah, Aiden was gifted.

“Urg,” I agreed, sliding my hands through his thick hair and around to his neck. I loved a tough guy neck for some reason.

Then he was inside me, pulsing and deep.

I closed my eyes at the exquisite feeling. He kissed me again, this time taking his time. When Aiden went all in, he did it with a vengeance. Even so, there was an edge to him that shot my heart into a full-on run. “Aiden?”

“Yeah.” He started moving, fast and hard, taking me in a way he hadn’t done before.

I held on as pleasure swamped me until I could barely breathe, and when the world detonated and sheeted white, I whispered his name. He dropped his forehead to mine and shuddered with his own climax. I went limp and let my arms drop. Wow. Just wow.

He kissed me again and then withdrew, striding into the bathroom to take care of the condom. When he returned, he slipped us both beneath the sheet and curled around me, his big hand caressing down my arm. “You okay?”

“Urgle,” I said, not caring that I had lost the ability to speak real words.

His chuckle eased something inside me.

“Are you okay?” I whispered, clasping his hand, my butt to his groin.

“Yeah.” He kissed the back of my head.

My eyelids grew heavy. “You seemed tense when you got here.”

“I’m not now,” he said, a smile in Copyright 2016 - 2024