Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,48

Sean brought it over the second I moved in, and he pops in once in a while to grill something and make sure I’ve kept it nicely clean.” I’d used it as well, but I preferred cooking and baking to the grilling, for some reason. The deck had a round table with four chairs that I’d found the perfect daisy-decorated cushions for, and I drew out one to sit.

It was only around eight at night, so the lake was still bright and sparkly, although the sun was going down.

Aiden put the steaks on the grill and stepped back, drinking his beer. When he seemed satisfied all was well, he turned toward me. “So. How was your day?” His indigo colored eyes didn’t give anything away.

“The usual,” I lied, sipping the wine.

“Right.” His T-shirt had the same Lordes logo above his left pec that Saber had worn.

I eyed him. “Did you guys get new shirts or what?”

“Yeah. Saber says hi, by the way.”

I sipped slower, enjoying the deep wine. “Who’s Rich and what’s his connection to the Lordes?”

Aiden studied me for a minute. “Rich isn’t a Lordes member.”

“I’m aware of that fact,” I said. “However, he’s riding with one of yours, and I believe you’ve been camping with him. Or at an encampment.” It wasn’t like those guys were spending weekends fishing Steelhead out of the river. “What’s going on?”

Aiden checked the steaks and then looked back at me. “The Lordes are doing some business with Rich’s people, and it’s all legal, so stop worrying about it.”

I cocked my head to the side. “Who are Rich’s people?”

Aiden shrugged. “I think members of his family and some good friends. They have two master brewers and an investor, and they want to create a series of micro-breweries in the Pacific Northwest.” He held up his bottle. “Give these guys some competition.”

I almost choked on my drink. “The Lordes are investing in microbreweries?” Yeah, I sounded properly incredulous.

“Yeah. I told you we’re going legit, and we have a pretty good distribution system already in place.” He shrugged. “Now that we’re not distributing illegal drugs, why not go for the legal ones like beer?”

There was a thread of logic there, but Rich hadn’t seemed like a business guy to me. He’d seemed like an asshole. “Where does Saber fit in?” I hadn’t been able to get a handle on the guy.

“He’s about to be a full member of the Lordes,” Aiden said. “He doesn’t know jack about microbreweries, but we have strength in numbers, and I’m not about to let the club disappear. Saber will make a good second, and I like that he knows how to cover my back.”

Second. “So you are becoming the president of a motorcycle club.” That would complicate my job, to be sure. Even if they were legit.

“Already did,” Aiden admitted. “Somebody had to take over, and I want the brothers to head in the right direction, so it came down to me.” He turned back to the steaks.

“You’re not telling me everything,” I said quietly.

“Nope,” he agreed, not looking back. “I’m working on it, though.”

I took a moment to remind myself that Aiden hadn’t been a Lordes member when they’d been running illegal drugs. His club in Portland had been patched over by the Lordes, and he’d moved back home. He had a rap sheet, and it was ugly, but he’d once hinted that all wasn’t what it seemed. “When are you going to fully level with me?”

“I have,” he said, looking over his shoulder. “I’m not doing anything illegal, but there are some things from the Lordes past, from my past, that you’re better off not knowing. It’s the truth.” He sighed and went for the kill shot. “You either trust me or you don’t, Aingeal.”

I took another drink and let the potent flavors warm my stomach. “Rich seems like a jerk.”

“Rich is a jackass with good connections,” Aiden agreed.

“What’s his connection to Krissy Walker?” I eyed the steaks to make sure he wasn’t burning them.

He flipped them over. “They’ve dated for a while, I think. Before you ask, Danny Pucci was working with Rich, and I figure that’s how he met and started dating Kelsey, which did not end well. Pucci had a temper that he never got under control.”

I bit my lip. “Do you think Rich had anything to do with Danny’s death?”

Aiden shook his head. “I can’t figure out what that’d be. Danny had a lot of enemies, and I’d bet one of them caught Copyright 2016 - 2024