Bailed Out (The Anna Albertini Files #2) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,11

another black suit—this one with an aqua colored power tie. “The defendant is a flight risk, your honor. In addition, the defendant is a known member of a criminal motorcycle club that just had several members arrested and charged.”

Clark reared up. “The defendant wasn’t charged because he didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, Mr. Devlin saved Mr. Basanelli’s colleague, Ms. Albertini, by risking his own life. He runs a business in Spokane, and he has no intention of leaving town. I request the defendant is released on his own recognizance.”

They argued back and forth, and finally the judge set bail at three hundred thousand dollars.

Donna tugged me closer with our entwined arms. “What does that mean?”

“It means he’s out ten percent of that if he gets a bondsman,” I said.

“Thirty thousand dollars?” Donna hissed. “Where are we gonna get that kind of money for Tessa?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “If we all pool extra money, we can find it. I don’t want to risk all of mom and dad’s retirement. I can figure this out.”

Aiden looked over his shoulder at the two Lordes’ guys and gave a short nod. “Thank you, your honor.” Then the bailiff escorted him away and brought in Tessa.

I jumped to my feet just as the rest of my family did the same. She was dressed in cute jeans and an ECSO long-sleeved T-shirt, her hair was in a ponytail, and she looked like she’d gotten some rest. Unlike Aiden, she wasn’t cuffed. Thank goodness. Tessa looked at the family and then sighed, her chest moving.

She took her place next to Clark and looked at the judge, who ran her through the charges like she’d done Aiden and then asked how Tess pled. Tessa pled not-guilty.

The judge looked at Nick. “What does the state argue?”

Nick didn’t hesitate. “The defendant has been charged on suspicion of first-degree murder. She was found standing over the body of her ex-boyfriend, in her apartment, with a recently discharged weapon in her hands. We don’t have ballistics back yet, but the victim was killed with a nine-millimeter, and the gun fits. The defendant has access to a lot of family members with substantial resources, and the state considers her a flight risk. We ask that she is held over without bond.”

Muttering echoed up along my side of the courtroom. Nonna reached in her purse, and the bailiff immediately put himself in her path before she could reach Nick with the wooden spoon in her hand.

I couldn’t believe it. Fire lanced down my throat, making my tongue hurt. Oops. I’d bitten it.

Donna tightened her grip on me. “They won’t make her stay in jail, will they?”

Clark chuckled, and the sound was reassuring. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard all day, your honor. Ms. Albertini does have plenty of family, as you can see. That is a strong tie to this community, and she has no plans to go anywhere. Ms. Albertini has a clean record, and this is her first offense. In addition, her sister is a prosecuting attorney and has dedicated herself to pursuing the law. Not only that, but Tessa didn’t shoot anybody. We request she’s released on her own recognizance.”

The judge read through the file. “Very well, Mr. Bunne. Bail is set at one hundred thousand dollars.”

I breathed out. “Okay. We can come up with ten thousand amongst all of us.” Now we just had to find the bondsman and get my sister out of jail.

Chapter 5

I left my family at the police station to await Tessa’s release, making them promise to call me the second she was free. I had to get to her. For now, I was going to kill my boss.

Even the clipping of my heels sounded angry as I hustled around the park, up the stairs, and into the prosecuting attorney’s offices. Nick stood at the reception desk, flipping through a stack of messages while the young receptionist smiled up at him like he’d created ice-cream or something. He looked over his shoulder, and his jaw tightened. “My office.” Then he turned and strode down the long hallway, beyond the conference rooms, and to his corner office that looked over the building next to us, the beach, and the lake.

I followed, my throat hot. When we entered his office, he strode around his desk, and I slammed the door with all the fury finally let loose.

“What in the holy fuck were you thinking?” I bellowed at the top of my lungs, truly Copyright 2016 - 2024