Bad For You - Sherilee Gray Page 0,75

me until I took her to you after your fight,” Spanner said.

I froze. “She didn’t come to me after my fight.”

Spanner frowned. “Walked her there myself.”


“Took her to the locker room…” His brows dropped.


Spanner cursed.

“What?” I growled out.

“Doc called out to me, acting like whatever he had to tell me was urgent. I pointed out where you were to Lila, then went to see what the fuss was about. He just started shooting the shit.”

I sat back in my seat hard. Doc was a brother from Albert, from Trip and my old man’s chapter. They were tight.

“He got to her.” My heart started racing. I looked at Stones. “He’s got some fucked-up idea about me climbing the ranks, that I’ll take him with me. Trip failed, so now he’s focusing on me.” I curled my fingers around my bottle. “He thought I gave up enforcer for Lila, that I was done with it for good…so he made her go away.”

Manic cursed.

“He can’t be trusted,” I said to Stones. “This is the proof we needed. He’s meeting Jackals, planning a takeover, and he’s dumb enough to think I’ll help him.”

Stones leveled me with a hard look. “You think you can do what needs to be done?”

“I proved that when I dealt with Trip. I’ll do whatever it takes. That man is nothing to me but a fucking sperm donor.”

Stones nodded and stood when I did, pulling me in and thumping me on the back.

“We’ll deal with him tonight. When I go to Lila, I want her to know she’s safe.” My father dealt in threats and intimidation. He’d hunted her down and terrified her. He’d done that to my sweet girl, and I’d make him bleed for it.

“I need to talk to Drums, see what he knows, make sure he’s on board. Then we’ll clean house.”

Drums was the president of the Albert chapter and a strand-up guy. There was no way he was in on this shit with my father.

I strode across the bar to Dane and took him aside.

“What’s up?”

“I need you to make sure Lila is covered tonight. Get Eves to have her around, fuck, get her drunk so she can’t leave, if you have to. Do whatever you need to. But she has to stay there with you, where I know she’s safe. I’ll come for her when I’m done.”

“What the hell’s going on?”

Dane wasn’t a Rambler, but he was my brother in all the ways that counted. “I know why Lila ran scared. My father said something to her. Shit, he threatened her, I know he did.”

Dane cursed. “You know, Lila looked shaken when she found us again after your fight. I thought it was because she wasn’t well, but she wasn’t sick, she was scared.”

I was going to kill that old fucker.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I sneered into my father’s face.

“You’re a worthless piece of shit. You hurt Mom, you fucked with Trip’s head until you turned him into a twisted mirror image of you, and now you’re betraying your own club because you think you’re owed something you never earned.”

Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, his green eyes burning into mine. “You’re a bunch of fucking pussies. You’ve fucked this club and fucked over your brothers.”

“No, old man, you fucked them over when you went to the Jackals to take out my president.”

Tiny had found the Jackal in question, and after spending some one-on-one time together, he’d shared what my father wanted them to do. And the old man had admitted it himself in the end. The humiliation of his son beating his ass in front of the whole club had been too much for him to take. His anger had gotten the better of him, like it always had, and he’d spilled his guts in a fit of rage. He’d wanted to put Stones out of commission to “fast-track” me up the ranks.

“You don’t deserve to wear our colors and you never did.”

He spat blood on the floor, before his eyes came back to me. “You’re just like your mother. A pathetic bitch.”

I slammed my fist into his gut. “I’d kill you where you stand, but a useless old drunk isn’t worth expending the energy it would take. Instead, we’re going to take you and your friend back to the Jackals, and they can do what they want with you. If you ever come back to Black Stone or Rocktown…” I moved in closer, and our eyes locked. “If you ever go near Lila, I Copyright 2016 - 2024