Bad For You - Sherilee Gray Page 0,7

as I could, she was exhausted and it wasn’t safe for her to ride.

She shuffled in after me, trembling. I pulled the blanket out of my pack and wrapped it around her. She immediately curled up on a pile of hay on the ground and squeezed her eyes closed.

Trip had broken her. Just like the old man had broken my mom.

“Okay, Soph?”

She nodded.

We both knew she wasn’t. But I didn’t push.

I needed to get her back to Albert, to the club where they could keep her safe until I finished what needed to be done. Clear out the rest of the trash. Then I’d take her home to Black Stone.

Away from any memories of Trip.

A short time later, I was lying on a pile of hay as well, staring out one of the grimy windows.

They reminded me of the ones we’d had in the basement when I was a kid. I ran my hand over my shaved head, my mouth going dry.

How many times had I’d crawled down there battered and bleeding, hiding from the old man after he’d beaten the shit out of me. Lying there in the dark listening, unable to move, unable to do anything as he turned his anger on my mom.

I reached for my phone, telling myself that I needed to send an update to Stones, my president, but it was bullshit. I wanted, no needed, to talk to Lila.

I started typing and couldn’t stop.

Jesse: Christ, I miss you. Wish you were with me. I’d pull you in close, those gorgeous fucking curves against me, your ass in my hands. I’d just hold you like that, breathe you in. Love the way you smell, Bambi. Fucked up the last time I had you in my bed. If I had the chance again, I’d make you feel so good. I’m a bastard ’cause I want all that sweetness you got, all that beauty back on me. I want inside you so bad I can barely breathe. I want to make you laugh. Fuck, I just want to talk to you.

My finger hovered over the send button. I stared at the message I’d just typed and growled. What the hell are you thinking? Idiot. I smashed my thumb down on the delete arrow wiping the screen clear.

Jesse: Hope you’re happy, baby.

I don’t know why I did it, only that I needed her so badly tonight I couldn’t think straight. That I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out.

She didn’t reply.

I didn’t expect her to.


I stared at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were pink from riding all day with Everly on Cassy and Cal’s ranch. My best friend trained horses for Dane’s brother and sister-in-law and I went out with her as often as I could.

I missed it. That had been the only good thing about living with my parents. The horses we had on our ranch.

Nope. Not now. Not tonight.

I took a steadying breath.

I looked okay. Nice, actually. I’d been casually dating Brooks Jackson for a few weeks.

He was a nice guy, good-looking, too. I ignored the niggling feeling that kept trying to rear up, that this was all wrong. Because it wasn’t. It was past time to move on.

Bonus. Brooks could ride as well. He also looked pretty great on a horse.

I’d never been allowed to date anyone without my parents’ approval. Which was why I’d only dated Jarod before I moved away.

It’s none of their damned business who you date. Not anymore.

Nope, and that was especially true now. They hadn’t spoken to me since I moved out. They’d cut me off.

Like they’d cut off Kate.

Punishing me for wanting a life of my own. For refusing to let them control me anymore.

It had hurt, a lot. Still did. But I’d gained my independence, and it had been hard won. I forced them out of my head along with the shame, the guilt, all the unhealthy crap they’d spouted while controlling my every move.

My phone vibrated against the bathroom counter and I glanced down at it.

And sucked in a breath.

Jesse: What you reading tonight?

My stomach twisted into a knot. I’d received a random text message from him late at night a week ago.

Hope you’re happy, baby.

I hadn’t known what to make of it, but I’d read it more times than I could count. Now he messaged every couple of days. Like I hadn’t ignored every one he’d sent. I forced myself to look away, to ignore this one like I had all the others

Three minutes later…

Jesse: Bambi? Copyright 2016 - 2024