Bad For You - Sherilee Gray Page 0,64

and a few others were there drinking.

Lila bared her teeth in what I assumed was supposed to be a smile but looked more like a threat to bite the head of my dick off. I’d thrown her in the deep end, but I needed to fast-track things and this was the best way I could think to do it.

I sure as shit didn’t know what it was like to be a woman in this club, so this was also the best way for her to find out. They were tough, and smart, took no shit, not from anyone, especially not their men, but they knew the rules and they could help Lila understand my world and what her place would be in it a lot better than I could. They’d teach her what it meant to be in this family.

I hoped so, anyway.

I ignored her narrowed eyes, strode back to her, kissed her hard, then left her with the women. She’d either get it by the end of tonight or not.

I didn’t want to think what it might mean if she hated it. I wasn’t giving her up, ever, but it would make things extremely difficult.

Shit. I hoped like hell I hadn’t made a huge mistake bringing her here.


Two hours later, we’d eaten and I’d given up shooting eyeball daggers at Jesse. God forbid someone would see and I’d make him look weak. How dare I, a lowly woman, have a backbone and show it.

Grrrr. His words had been going around my head since he said them, and as hard as I tried, there was no other way to interpret them. They were all a bunch of sexist pigs.

Thankfully, the women were awesome. They definitely didn’t seem downtrodden or meek. They were funny and open and had made me feel welcome.

Mandy walked back into the room carrying a big glass jug of some fruity-looking drink. She filled my glass and hers, and passed the jug to Jodie—a Rambler named Spanner’s old lady—and sat down beside me.

Nope. Still did not like that term.

I sipped my drink, it was delicious and strong. Really strong.

“The kids have gone to the sitter, time for all the dirty details,” Jodie said and winked.

My eyes must have widened because they all laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh with them.

Mandy leaned forward. “Never thought that boy would settle down. The way I hear it, he stopped screwing around as soon as he met you.”

I sat up straighter. “Really?” I mean I knew Jesse wouldn’t cheat on me, but still—as soon as he met me?

Mandy laughed. “Do you doubt it? He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since he left you with us.”

“Think he’s worried we’re going to corrupt you?” Jodie said and waggled her eyebrows.

Maybe it was the drinks I’d had, but I found it easy to talk to these women. I liked them a lot. “More like he’s worried I’ll embarrass him.”

“Did he say that?” Mandy asked, eyes narrowed.

“He said I shouldn’t give him shit and make him look weak when we’re here. That I should do as he says.”

Kelly, another old lady, shook her head. “Grinder tried to pull that shit with me, too. He quickly leaned I obey no man.”

The other women nodded their agreement.

“Look,” Mandy said. “This is their club, and we respect that and don’t interfere. They’re not your average guys, but if you think for a moment that means we do what we’re told, that we don’t have lives and careers of our own, a voice, you are misinformed. I’m a family lawyer for a firm here in Black Stone. Jodie owns her own salon, and Kelly’s a school teacher. We’re successful, independent women, we also just happened to fall in love with bikers.”

I stared at her stunned, then blushed. I’d judged them without knowing anything about them. “I don’t feel so bad about being a librarian now,” I said, shamefaced.

They all burst out laughing.

Jodie refilled the drinks.

“If you have any questions, Lila, just ask,” Kelly said, offering me a gentle smile.

I chewed my lip. I did have questions. Several of them. Screw it. “The last party I came to here…there were girls, a lot of them and…”

“They’re not old ladies. They come to party with the guys. But that’s it. They’re not one of us. And that’s why you don’t see them here now.”

I frowned. “Doesn’t that bother you?”

Mandy shrugged. “Stones doesn’t fuck around. I would never put up with that.”

“Grinder would lose his dick if he so much as Copyright 2016 - 2024