Bad For You - Sherilee Gray Page 0,42

with their boobs out dancing around them. “What? No,” he choked out. “Of course not.”

“Are you embarrassed of me…”

“Christ, Lila, no.”

“You want to leave?” Trix said, moving closer to me.

Jesse looked at her, then to Addie, only now realizing I had my friends with me. “You two need to leave,” he bit out. “I can take care of Lila, but you shouldn’t be here,” he said to my friends. “Grinder,” he called to a guy close by. “Walk these girls to their car. Anything happens to them, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

Grinder moved in and started herding my friends away.

“Now hang on a minute,” Addie said as Trixie tried to break away.

Jesse shook his head, looking harder than I’ve ever seen him. “Lila’s staying, you two are leaving.”

Trix looked ready to do battle and Addie was right behind her. Shit. “I’m okay,” I said to my friends. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure I was yet, but they weren’t going to back down and neither was Jesse, unless I said something. “I’m with Jesse, I’ll be fine.”

Trix narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure?”

Jesse growled, cursing under his breath, and his hard gaze cut to Grinder. “Take them to their car.”

I nodded to Trix and did my best to give Addie a reassuring smile.

“Call us if you need us,” Addie said.

“And if not, I still expect a call in the morning, okay?” Trix said.

I nodded.

Then they let the big biker herd them back the way we’d come.

Jesse looked down at me. “We need to have a conversation, Bambi.”

“Yes, we do.” My hand lifted to his cheek before I could stop myself, tracing the multicolored bruise there. “What happened to your face?”

He covered my hand, pulling it away, and threaded his fingers with mine. “Nothing. Took a hit during training.”

“Grifter!” Two girls came running up to him, both topless, boobs out for all to see. They stopped beside us and grinned up at him. To his credit, Jesse looked unmoved and uninterested, in fact his gaze was downright cold.

“Busy,” he said dismissively.

They both turned, eyeing me from head to toe. I had my wavy hair down and a little tousled, and I’d gone heavy with the eye makeup. I’d worn my contacts to show it off. It was cold, though, so yes, I’d tried to dress provocatively, but I wasn’t willing to die of hypothermia to impress anyone. My jean skirt was tight and short and my tight, long-sleeved red shirt was low-cut. But I was also wearing a cute little jacket, because again, it was cold.

Still, I looked like a nun compared to the other girls here. Suddenly, I was extremely self-conscious. Jesse's fingers tightened around mine, then he was leading me across the yard to one of the small outbuildings with a porch and couch on it.

“Sit there,” he muttered and disappeared inside.

Jesse was different here with his club. Harder. Colder.

I bit my lip, my belly squirming.

He was back a few moments later with a quilt.

I screwed up my face when he went to put it on me. “No, thank you. God knows what’s on there.”

He threw it on me. “It’s mine. No one’s touched it but me.”


He shrugged. “This is my room when I crash at the clubhouse.”

“Why? You already have a house.”

He sat down beside me and tugged me onto his lap, pulling the quilt over us. “Because I earned it.”

I tried to wriggle away, my anger still strong. “How?”

He scowled and tugged me back. “Stop trying to change the fucking subject.”

The anger I’d been working to suppress exploded, and I pushed at him, struggling to get off his lap. He held on tight.

I shoved at his chest. “Don’t you dare get pissy at me. I have every right to come here and ask my boyfriend why he chose to avoid me and lie about what he was doing.”


“Yes, pissy.”


I flushed hot. “I ah, I mean, I just…”

“I’m not your boyfriend, Lila.”

Pain lanced through me and I struggled again to get away.

He cupped my chin firmly but gently and made me look at him. “We’re not in high school. I’m not your boyfriend, I’m your man.”

My heart beat harder at the green flames in his eyes. “And are you just mine, or everyone else’s as well?” I rasped.

His nostrils flared. “That’s what you thought was going on? What I was doing here tonight? The conclusion you immediately leaped to?”

I refused to look away. “It’s an obvious conclusion to leap to.”

I didn’t think his eyes could get any colder. Copyright 2016 - 2024