Bad For You - Sherilee Gray Page 0,38

his hand, but he held my legs wide and kept thrusting in and out, fingers curled, hitting that spot deep inside, prolonging my orgasm. It built, kept building, like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I screamed as a gush of liquid heat rushed from me, my body jerking and trembling, fully at his mercy.

Jesse groaned, and when I finally collapsed back, he eased his fingers from my body and rose above me. He gripped his cock, his fingers still glistening from being inside me, and straddled my body. His gaze was dark and full of hunger as he slid his hand up and down the thick length of his cock, fast and rough.

“Cup your tits for me, Bambi. Push them together.”

I did as he asked and his gaze was hot and wild as he stared down at my breasts. His abs were tight, defined, his biceps bunching, thigh muscles rock sold. His heavy sack swayed as he thrust almost brutally into his fist. His cock was dark and so incredibly hard it had to be painful.

His gaze slid over my chest, then lifted to mine.

I licked my lips. “Do it,” I whispered. “Please.” I don’t know where the words came from, but I wanted every dirty, wicked thing he wanted to do to me. I craved it.

At my words, Jesse jolted, his fingers spasming around his cock, and he barked out a rough sound before come shot from him, splashing my breasts. Jesse cursed and growled and didn’t stop until he was spent.

It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I expected him to collapse down beside me. He didn’t. He sat back on his heels, his gaze moving over me, a fierce expression on his face I couldn’t quite understand. I released my breasts and his hands dropped to my chest instantly.

“You look fucking hot with my spunk on your tits. Better than I imagined.” Then he massaged the mounds in his hands, rubbing his come over my skin.

“God, the things you say,” I said, face hot, unsure how to respond but loving it at the same time.

He leaned in and pressed his mouth to mine. “I’m a dirty fucker, Bambi. But you’ll get used to it, seeing as you bring out the deviant in me,” he said against my lips. “You like it, too, though, don’t you, baby? I think you like it, too.”

There was no point pretending. I’d been forced to pretend to be someone I wasn’t most of my life. I wasn’t doing that anymore. “Yes, I like it. I love it,” I said, our lips brushing again. “I want you to do dirty, wicked things to me, Jesse. I want you to show me everything.”

Jesse groaned and shoved his face against my throat, then nibbled his way to my ear, his breath sawing in and out. “Oh, I’ll show my girl everything. You can count on that.”

Then he wrapped me in his strong arms and held me tight, and he didn’t let go all night.


After my last client for the day, I rode to Black Stone.

I wanted to check on Sofia after what happened at The Mule. She’d said she was fine, but the pained note to her voice when we talked told me that she wasn’t.

After my night with Lila, the last thing I wanted was to leave town. Sofia needed me, though, and I’d do whatever I could to help her.

But when I got to her sister’s, she told me that Soph had spent the last couple nights at my place.

This wasn’t a big deal, I’d given her a key and told her to use my house if she needed some time to herself. What was a big deal was the bike parked outside my house when I pulled up.

I recognized it as soon as I got off my bike. My blood went cold and pumped thickly through my veins.

The front door opened with a bang before I reached it, and my father’s large frame filled the doorway.

“Where the fuck you been, boy?”

Soph hadn’t told him I was in Rocktown working, at least that was something. The last thing I wanted was him showing up there and fucking everything up.

“Not your business,” I said and walked up to him. “Why are you here?”

He moved out of the way and I walked inside. Sofia was sitting on the couch, chewing her nails, eyes wide, afraid. I grabbed her car keys from the table and handed them to her. “Go to your sister’s.”

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