Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology - Yolanda Olson Page 0,90

myself to pull the covers back from my body. Ironically, my uncomfortable bed is the only comfort I've had since I got here.

The knock sounds again, this time, followed by a small voice.

"Sister Suri?"

It's Sister Dawn. What does she want? I throw the covers off of me and pad across the floor, opening my door slightly while trying to keep the right side of my face out of sight.

"What do you want?"

Sister Dawn flinches with hurt at my brash question, and I start to feel bad for her all over again. This is so fucking annoying.

"I'm here to, um. Well, Mother Superior," she stops, unable to form a complete sentence.

I stare, waiting for her to speak again.

"Sister Suri, can I please just come in and talk?"

For some reason, I let her. She's blissfully unaware and ignorant, and I can't help but feel bad for her because of it. She walks through the doorway and invites herself to sit on the edge of my bed. There isn't anywhere to sit, though. I join her with a heavy thud as my ass hits the hard mattress.

"Oh, my!" Sister Suri, what happ--?"

I forgot all about my cheek. My hand flies up, trying to cover it, knowing its too late.

SIster Dawn takes my hand and gently removes it from my face.

"Mother Superior."

It wasn't a question.

I stare at the floor across the room, avoiding her statement.

"She does have a mean streak. I'll never forget the first time she hit me."

"You? But I thought--"

"That I was her side-kick? Everyone does. It's not true, though."

I look at her skeptically.

"Well, not exactly true. I don't just go looking for things to tell Mother Superior. She, gives me assignments, sometimes."

"She asks you to spy on people."

"Yes," she bows her head in shame, "I'm so sorry, Sister Suri."

"It's not your fault. I'm sure it would have happened eventually even if you hadn't gotten involved."

"What do you mean?"

I take a deep breath. Do I tell her? It might not be awful having someone to talk to about my secret.

"I, I'm not really a nun," I say, shocking her.

"I don't understand," she crinkles her forehead in confusion.

I remove my hood, revealing myself to her.

"My name is Suri, but I am not a nun. I'm here under an order of protection for testifying against my ex in a murder case."

Sister Dawn's eyes go wide, and she makes the sign of the cross.

"I'm sorry for telling you. I shouldn't, I don't want you getting into any trouble. Mother Superior is a kitten compared to Tim."

Her eyes gloss over with tears.

"Oh, Sister Suri, I'm so sorry," she grabs my hands.

"It's okay," I pull my hands away, uncomfortable with the touch, "thank you."

She offers me a small smile.

"So, did you need something?"

"Oh! Well, Mother Superior told me that you're to shadow me for the next few days."

"Ah, I see."

"Sorry you're stuck with me," she apologizes.

"It's okay, could be worse," I laugh. "But, I think I know a way you can make it up to me."

"Um, you, you do?"

"Do you know where I can get my hands on a telephone?"

Sister Dawn keeps a watch outside of Mother Superior's office while I use the phone at her desk. I need to get in touch with Detective Robbins.

I dial his cell number and plead with God to make him answer.

"Robbins," I hear on the other end of the line.

"Tony!" I practically scream, "It's Suri!"

"Suri? What's wrong?"

"Mother Superior is insane! She hit me! You put me here for my protection, God damn it!"

I'm sorry, my eyes shoot up to the heavens, before landing on the large crucifix hanging on the wall across the room.

"Fuck, Suri, I'm sorry. I'm trying to get you placed somewhere else. I swear, I am. I need you to have patience. Please just try to be good and keep your head down. Get yourself off of her radar, okay."

"Yeah, thanks for the advice. Can you at least do a drop-in soon? I'm going crazy here, and I could really use a friend."

"Sure thing, kid. I'll come soon, I promise."

"Thanks, Tony."

Please don't let me down.

Father Stone

"Thank you for meeting with me, Father," Sister Mary Margaret says, as she takes a seat in the chair in front of me. She is Mother Superior at Our Lady of Heavenly Hope, our sister parish.

It's been a few days since Sister Suri saw me in the Rectory. She hasn't been back to the office since. I have a bad feeling about the conversation that is about to take place.

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