Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology - Yolanda Olson Page 0,77

Bitch in front of Faith.

She falters, and hesitation flickers in her eyes. I move toward her, the hem of my habit rustling across the paved floor. Hesitation morphs into wariness the closer I get to her before anger begins to simmer once again in her hazel eyes. I’m almost right in front of her now, and Faith is clenching her fists at her side. It’s been a few weeks since she moved in, and the tension between us has reached a boiling point. Everything has led to this point, and I know I shouldn’t have done what I did, but I was getting sick of the way she was always so perfect and held together. Now I’m finally seeing the untamed and less than perfect woman battling against her own will and mine.

“I should fetch Mother Superior and tell her everything,” she hisses, and I smile.

“But you won’t, will you? So what are you going to do?” I taunt.

My body is hot with excitement from the confrontation and the possibility of where this is heading. If things go how I want them to, then this will end with me flat on my bed, my ass red from Faith’s punishment, and her tongue lapping at my pussy. This is reckless, more so than anything I’ve ever done before, and I’m practically drenched at the prospect. Faith remains silent.

“I know what you want to do, Faith, only you’re too afraid. You want to shove me onto my hands and knees and force me to repent again. I’m a sinner. I’ve tried to be good, but you make me want to be bad.”

Something inside her snaps, and she pushes me backward until my knees buckle when they connect with the bedstead. Unbalanced, I topple over and end up sitting on the edge of the bed. I’m so surprised I don’t speak, and heat floods downward when Faith maneuvers me so I’m now bent over the mattress. The sound of fabric ripping reaches my ears and I nearly moan with anticipation when my underwear is tugged down, the rough material scratching at my thighs.

“Who’s afraid now?” she demands, slapping my ass so hard it sounds like a whip crack, and I squeal in shock. Faith caught me off guard; I wasn’t expecting her to hit that hard.

“You’re holding back. You want to step up to be the leader of our convent someday, but you can’t even put me in my place,” I taunt, laughing breathlessly.

The next blow has me gritting my teeth, and Faith continues to rain down her retribution on my ass until it’s throbbing and her hand is probably numb. I won’t be able to sit down comfortably tomorrow, and I relish the thought.

“Will you repent?” she asks, landing another spank, softer this time, but it still stings my already inflamed skin.

“Yes, I will repent,” I tell her, spinning around to face her and moaning as my ass pulses at the contact with my bed.

I grab her hips and move her, so she’s the one leaning against the bed, and I’m the one in the position of control, but I don’t intend to punish her. I intend to thank her and apologize for what I’ve done. She can’t move, and she doesn’t try. Emboldened by the fact she’s not pushing me away, I drop to my knees in front of her, grunting as my ass flares with pain.

“Stop. What are you doing?” Faith asks sharply, but I ignore her, ducking my hands beneath her habit and running them up her legs to her pussy.

She attempts to slap my hands away, but the thick material prevents her. I ignore her, and slip my fingers into her underwear from both sides and stroke the hot skin. She’s soaked. A faint hum leaves her lips when I touch her, and I watch as her eyes flutter closed, almost unwillingly, and her head falls back.

“Not so innocent now, are you, Sister Faith?” I question, sinking a finger inside her and using my other hand to pull her underwear farther down her legs.

Faith refuses to answer, but the juices coating my finger speak louder than her words ever could. Feeling daring, I lift her habit and duck my head underneath. Trailing my tongue up the inside of her thigh, her gasp sounds clearly, and she shivers. When I finally reach what I’ve been dying to taste, I slow my ministrations to savor it. Swirling my tongue around her clit, I suck on the sensitive nub while still Copyright 2016 - 2024