Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology - Yolanda Olson Page 0,5

it for today’s prayers.” He tugs the underwear from me, sliding it down my thighs and fisting it in his hand. He brings them up to his nose, inhaling my fragrance before groaning as if pleasure has taken hold of him.

I came to the convent to ask for salvation for what my parents did. To pray, so that somehow, I won't end up going to Hell. But I soon realized there was no way I would be saved, and that’s when I gave in to the sins of the flesh.

Dominic’s mouth is on my cunt, licking and tasting me. His tongue darts into my entrance, and I moan as I feel my nipples harden from him tweaking them painfully. The pleasure takes hold of me, and my eyes fall closed.

But it’s not Father Dominic I see between my thighs, in my mind, it’s him. The stranger with the goddamned inked skin and full lips. The one who took not only a kiss but stole my breath along with it. When he kissed me, I felt things I never thought I would. That one emotion I've never allowed myself to feel.

“Our Father,” I pray as Dominic’s talented mouth starts an ache swirling low in my belly. “Who art in Heaven.”

“He’s not listening,” the female voice comes from behind me, and I glance over my shoulder to find Sister Alexia strolling in from the attached bathroom.

I smile as I continue, “Hallowed be thy name.”

She makes her way toward me, dragging her tongue along my lips before pulling the bottom one into her mouth. Her teeth graze my skin, biting down hard as Dominic does the same to my clit which sends me spiraling into the darkness.

Alexia’s red hair and green eyes are shining wildly in the dimly lit office. She looks like a devil in an angel’s skin. Perhaps she is. Maybe she’s the devil incarnate.

Alexia is the opposite of me; she won’t take a man inside her, but she does toy with the girls. A select few sisters have felt her tongue and fingers. The thing about her, though, is that she’s angelic looking. With her fiery hair and her luminous, gemstone eyes, she’s the perfect woman.

“He’s falling in love with you,” she whispers in my ear, and we both look down at Dominic whose mouth is glistening with my arousal, his cock already jutting from his black slacks. “And if you deep throat, he’ll let you into Heaven,” she smirks salaciously, causing me to shiver. As much as I consider her words, I know she’s just trying to taunt me.

“You’re so crass,” I retort, causing a tinkling giggle to fall from her lips. Rising from my seated position, I wrap the rosary around my left hand and settle it over the lap of Father Dominic while Alexia kisses me, teasing my nipples with her thumb and index finger.

“Tell me, Maeve, did you come to this convent to find God, or were you trying to escape something?” Her question stills me for a moment.

How would she even know about me running away from home?

“That’s what I thought. Now, tell me about the man you were locking lips with because he looked delicious.” She leans forward, and I half expect her to pull out a smoke and a bottle of wine while she stares at me.

Dominic’s hands tighten on my hips as if he’s trying to lay claim without any words. His fingers digging into my flesh as he moves me, his cock deep inside my cunt. I feel it thicken and throb, and I can’t help but whimper at how much he stretches me.

Alexia’s words burn me because I have a feeling that man would’ve been my savior. Deep in my gut, I have a feeling he would’ve taken me from this place and shown me a real life. I can’t explain why, perhaps it was how he looked at me, or the way his lips molded to mine and his hands held onto my hips. My mind flits back to him for a moment, just a short one, before I shake my head.

“I don’t know who he was,” I tell her honestly. Remembering his lips on mine sends heat racing through me, and I know I’m blushing because I can feel the heat burning my cheeks.

“Fuck,” Dominic grits out through clenched teeth. “Your cunt is so tight around me, are you thinking about having two cocks inside you?” There’s an evil glint in his eyes when he says this, and Copyright 2016 - 2024