Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology - Yolanda Olson Page 0,101

other way to describe it. I assumed, of course, she didn’t believe me a word I had said. Except that, she actually did. She went to the principal, then called Child Protective Services to hold a meeting. She couldn't believe what was happening at the house and was outraged by it. The Principal and the people from Child Protective Services told her that, even if they understood she was new to all of this, she should not just focus in one student, she had many others who needed her attention too. They advised her to tend to the other children she taught.

“I am going to help you.” She promised, determination in her face. Her words were like a soothing balm to my broken soul.

I felt relieved that someone cared for my well-being even if I knew there wasn’t anything she could do. I did appreciate her efforts. I never had the inclination or desire to use the knife I had on a person, but at this point, that would probably change if it meant it would help me escape. Whatever my fate was going to be, I would find out soon.

Then, right as Rita walked into the school, a uniformed police officer called her name, coming in from behind her. It turned out, Mrs. Otis was married to a cop. She had called him. Rita’s face looked like it was going to explode as she shouted how dare you’s and who do you think you are?

Then before my eyes, a real life, honest to God, nun walked into the school. I had never seen one dressed in the garb. She walked over to the teacher. They had a discussion while Rita was still being interviewed.

The nun, who I later found out was Sister Mary Margaret, walked over to me and asked if I would like to talk to her.

“Yes ma’am.” I was star struck, never meeting a real nun before.

“I help run a convent on the other side of town. I understand that you are not a regular church goer, but tell me child, do you believe in God?”

Nodding vigorously, it was like I had lost my ability to speak. There was this need inside of me to have this woman like me.

She smiled. “Bless you my child. I am offering you a spot to become part of our unique legacy. It takes a certain young woman with good morals, and a closeness to our Lord and Savior to become a part of our society. I believe God has brought me here to extend you this invitation.”

“You are asking me to be a nun?” My mouth dropped to the floor as I turned out all the other background noise behind me, mostly Rita’s mouth, and focused on her.

With keen eyes, she answered, “I am offering you this opportunity as an alternative over, well, whatever that woman has concocted up.”

My head was nodding yes as all my fears started to slip away. I was in my own thoughts when I felt her pull my arm.

“I want you to think about it. This is not something to be entered into lightly. This is a lifetime commitment where you would leave all your worldly desires outside of the convent doors. There is a strict rule structure that you must follow. I would very much like you to join but not before you have thought it through.”

Still nodding, I took the pamphlets she had.

“Look at these. You must be absolutely positive you can adhere to all the rules. You will need classes to catch you up on scripture. It may not be much different of a life then what you have now.” She frowned.

“Will you promise not to let people steal me in the middle of the night?”

“Of course.” She looked affronted.

“Then I’m all in. This is the first actual decision I have been allowed to make for myself.” I threw my arms around her and realized how stiff she was. “Oh sorry,” I giggled.

She smiled and said she would come see me the next day. As she walked over to talk to Rita, Mrs. Otis gave me a huge hug.

I was finally going to be free.

Chapter 5

Father Clarence

Hearing the tapping at my door, I glanced at the clock. Since moving into the rectory two years ago, I was tuned into every creak the house had to offer. It was time for Sister Purity's lesson. I walked over to the door distracted by the sermon I was working on for the service on Sunday.

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